That sure is a beautiful place they were at. Gia is not exactly a Rhodes Scholar.
Understatement of the night: Vienna is a little immature? (Just a LITTLE?)
To me, Tenley still talks about her ex a lot. Has a woman ever turned down one of those suite dates? I don't remember anyone doing that! If Jake and Ali were that much in love a few days would not be that big a deal.
Just knew Vienna would make the final two. Karen says he's going to choose her. Hope ABC is happy. The girl all the other girls do not like usually makes the final two. Sad for Gia and Ali!
Think Ali would have made the final two if she would nt have left. I can see her as the next bachelorette. I'm not going to watch "Women Tell All" because that's just a rehash of the whole season and I don't need to see the Michelle spouting off anymore. Enjoy!
Karen dozed off on the videos the girls made. What did you think of the show this week?
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My Past Valentine’s Photo Sessions
5 hours ago
We actually watched last night because my Mommeh has Tuesdays off now. I thought Ali could not have been that much in love or she would not have picked her job over Jake. I have a feeling he's going to pick Vienna, too! Oh noes!
it was nauseating!!! All the "amazings' and blah, blah , blah!!!
Karen dozing off during the videos that the girl's sent to Jake made me laugh!! It was kind of lame.
I agree that Ali would've probably been in the last 2 if she hadn't left. I can't help but wonder if that was a ploy from ABC to stir up some drama. Like maybe she had no intention of going back but they called her and asked her to pretend just to draw in more viewers.
I'm not sure if you caught this last week but when Jake ran to hug Vienna, he made a comment about how natural she is. I guess he can't see that she's wearing hair extensions or that she dyes her hair blonde.
I've read online that he picks Vienna in the end. If that's the truth, I doubt it will last.
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