I stayed up and watched it last night, Karen watched just the first half, sort of.
Jake is so confused--Hello!! Like we didn't know that already, LOL!!!
Tenley gets a one on one date--okay but get over it already. It's just a date, not a rose!
Corrie pulls a great joke--Ali and Vienna cat fight--good TV! (Karen really liked this!)
Tenley looks really good--wonder why her marriage didn't take?
Vienna and Gia get the next date, would have been better with Ali instead of Gia. Vienna, Gia is there so get over yourself!
Gia--you're on a TV show with other girls, come on, get real!
Vienna tries to barge in on Jake and Gia--Now we are starting to see why the other girls don't like her. Vienna doesn't want to share Jake, surprise--NOT!
Corrie has a romantic date--feels like it's not too romantic to me. Looks like Corrie is going bye bye to me. No connection at all here. If Corrie gets a rose, I'll be surprised!
Ali looks super hot! Glad she is not in yellow! LOL (Here's a link Karen found this morning at An Italian Mama Gone Crazy titled Ali Didn't Wear Yellow)
Did he just call them "guys" again?? No wonder HE IS CONFUSED!
Corrie is a virgin--good for her, don't think she is the one for him though!
Tenley gets the first rose.
Vienna gets a rose--BOO!
Corrie goes home--not surprised, but liked the great joke she pulled on Ali!
No shame, Corrie, hold out till you find the right guy--keep the faith--sad for her.
No rose ceremony next week? what's up with that??
What did you think of it? Who would you like to see him pick? Karen thinks he should choose Tenley or Ali. After this show, she really doesn't like Vienna at all and thinks she's stupid. It seems he really likes Vienna though no matter what she does.
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I just can't respect a guy who disregards what other women tell him (over and over) about the woman he likes. Can you imagine their future together? Maybe he'll wise up on the town home dates next week.
After Jake acted so cool to Vienna at the castle, I was sure she was going home - he seemed really uneasy. But then he said he was just trying to hold back to give other girls a chance! I don't get it! I'm curious too, to see what happens next week.
I cannot believe he can't see through Vienna...I honestly don't know what he sees in her. She just seems very fake.
Tenley does seem sweet but a bit naive, I think.
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