Catster-Dogster Cat show & Dog Show
Lots of cat and dog pictures to look at over at the Catster & Dogster show. Judges choose winners of the categories but anyone can vote once for the best in show for one cat and one dog. I had a tough time choosing! Go check it out:
The World's Coolest Dog and Cat Show. Our friend
Harley is up for two categories! He has some very stiff competition there though! We didn't know about this contest soon enough to enter our pets.
Toxic Flowers to Cats
I knew Pointsettas were poisonous to cats but in playing my trivia game at the top of my blog this week (like I hope all of you do) I learned that daffodils, tulips and especially lilies are also toxic for cats.
Greed Girls Guide I learned that it actually is good to get weighed every day. It helps you make good eating choices through the day and makes you aware early of any unwanted weight gain before it gets out of hand. I also liked the
interview with a personal trainer. It is a Q&A format on video with the trainer. Very interesting and well done.
Sandy Alomar
Thanks to the PLAIN DEALER, I learned that the Cleveland Indians former catcher, Sandy Alomar, will be back with the tribe as a first base and catcher coach. Welcome back! Now, if only we could get Omar Vizquel to be the manager!
It's A He
Surprise!The Cleveland Zoo tortoise named "Mary" was discovered after many years to actually be a male and was renamed "Terry" this week.
Traditions from Shell In Your Pocket
I found a blog this week through SITS that shares great holiday traditions at
Shell In Your Pocket. Here are just a few that I was especially impressed with: Mini-Van Express--neighborhood tour of Christmas lights with special fun and excitement built in, Thanksgiving table cloth with things the family has written that they were thankful for over the years, advent boxes with something small for the kids each day, surprise Christmas Eve box decorated to look like it actually came from afar delivered to the door by a neighbor with a special ornament and DVD for each child and many more great ideas. Be sure to go check out this great blog by Sandy Toes.
Click to find more Friday Fragments at Half past Kissin' Time.
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