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Half Past Kissin' Time for bloggers to post a list of short things on their minds that aren't really enough for a whole post.
We went to see a good High School football movie, "When the Game Stands Tall" and had a private showing. We were the only ones in the theater at the 10:50 showing on Tuesday. The movie was very good with a lot of good parts and we both liked it. We chose this one over "If I Stay" and I'm so glad we did!
Painting Progress
The painting of the bathroom, kitchen, living room and dining room began this week. So far so good on the pet front. None of them got into the paint, went into the heat ducts or brushed against the walls while they were wet with paint. I'm glad it dries fast because I did have a bit trouble keeping Spunky Doodle off the kitchen counter after the painter left. If you are in the Cleveland area, I highly recommend using "Sue's Helping Hands" for painting or handyman needs. We are loving the purple we chose for the kitchen and bathroom!

Watch for the surprise color in the living and dining room . . . Gerard did want the gray so we chose a different color instead. Abby is greeting Sue, the painter, when she came back for day 2.
On the Medical Front
I was down in the dumps when is saw the words "suspicious area" AGAIN referring to my last mammogram. This is the wording used when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. I am optimistic though after my appointment with my surgeon who said he thinks it's probably just scar tissue from my surgery after not feeling any lump; however, he recommended that I have an MRI done just to confirm it. It is scheduled for Sept. 10. I am really hoping it's all okay!
Fun Week
We've been having really good weather this week and have been playing tennis every day. Gerard is a very good sport who keeps playing with me even though I win every match. He wins some of the games though and sometimes makes great shots that I can't possibly return. Just not as many as I make. We have some tough battles though, sometimes having over three deuces in one game! (For non-tennis players, a deuce is when the score is tie at 40-40 and you need two points in a row to win the game.)
Yesterday was much cooler than it's been so was perfect weather for the zoo which we took advantage of. The animals were all lively and we had a fun time watching them. The snow leopard was pacing right by the glass so we could see him close up (I so wanted to pet that big cat!). The elephant was reaching up with its trunk to eat the straw that was hung up; the beaver was swimming and taking a shower under the waterfall; the wolves were actually running around (probably because the noisy planes practicing for the air show were flying over their area). The meerkats were cute as ever and there was even a baby one! We actually bought a couple 3D wolf placemats that match our seat covers on our dining room chairs.
It's so nice being off work, we hate to see this week end!
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