- Get more active by taking a break from the computer every half hour, even if it's just standing up.
- Do things standing up whenever possible.
- In good weather, take the first parking spot I see.
- Break out of my routine more often by varying my schedule, taking different ways to the bus stop and not always getting off at the same stop.
- Eat more of a variety of foods.
- Get an awning for our front porch this year. UPDATED 1/12/12:
- Bank Gerard's check and see if we can manage just on my income to see how it would be if he were retired.
- Memorize the book of James by the end of June.

Some I got from reading "Keep Your Brain Alive" and some from my friend's blog, Think Like a P.T.
Did you make any this year?
Part of Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop to share your New Year's Resolutions and report how you did on last year's.
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I didn't make any resolutions, but I know I should be doing better with my exercise, eating, and general mind/spirit. I'm trying to get back to swimming after my toe surgery--I wonder how long I have to wait? And I definitely need to get in a better place when I'm at work--I don't like the atmosphere there and it isn't going to change, so I need to change me. I think moving filing cabinets would be easier! ;)
I don't make resolutions. I won't keep them so why do all that work thinking them up. It is what it is.
Have a terrific day. :)
Very nice resolutions! Very do able too! A few might be a bit hard but stick with it!
best of luck!
visiting back from http://asideofsanity.blogspot.com/
I didn't make resolutions so that I can't fail at them but I am exercising more and trying to not be as negative about certain people (like boss's)! :)
I never thought about standing. I used to stand all day as teacher. Now as a SAHM I need to stand more.
I agree with taking breaks from the computer. Sometimes I get a little crazy if I don't get outside. Good luck with your goals.
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