Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Decorating (Writer's Workshop)

One of Mama Kat's Writer's workshop prompts this week is:  "Have you decorated your Christmas tree?  Share a favorite Christmas ornament."

The little boy with the snowball is probably my favorite one because my mom made it.   We have several home-made ornaments including a paper butterfly that I made in Kindergarten!  Also some made by my aunts and of course the one Gerard and me got for our first Christmas together.

We didn’t put ornaments on our tree this year though because we decided not to block our cats off from the basement where we put our tree.  I am lazy so just put it up down there because that’s where we have the space for it.  Instead of ornaments, I used our Christmas cards that we received last year which is safer for the cats.  No sharp hooks for them to step on and no ornaments they can knock off and break.  Am I practical or what!

The first year I decorated just a small tree like this just for the cats:  The Cats' Tree Is Up.  I missed the big tree though so decided to use the cards on our bigger tree this year.  The cats really like having a tree. 

The other prompt was to show your Nativity set:  Spunky Helps Set up the Nativity Set

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Anonymous said...

I like the idea of using cards on the tree!!! Much safer for pets and less stress for parents, right??? We have not had a tree for a couple of years other than a pencil tree because we are never home! This year our son put one up in his apt for us since we are going to be in Jacksonville where he lives for Christmas. I thought that was pretty darn sweet of him and I can't wait to see it!

BeadedTail said...

We're glad Spunky and Manny got a tree! And Abby too of course! We love hiding out under our tree and moving the tree skirt to the middle of the room!

Anonymous said...

Card hanging is a great idea! We should have do this when JDaniel was little.

Kim Lehnhoff said...

Great idea! It's a no-stress way of making Christmas accessible for the cats, too!

katie eggeman said...

I love your blog and will be back. The idea for the cards as ornaments is good, but you have to send them to get them. Thanks for visiting. I'll be back.

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