I've been wondering for some time how to get my comments to give Commentluv and now I found a post over at Tech Chalet that explains how to do it. It sounds complicated though, so I most likely will put off changing mine until next year. Maybe I'll make it a New Year's resolution!

I found a very good post Please Give Gift To Homeless Animal over at Jodi's Journey that said shelters accept non-monetary gifts as well, such as litter, canned food, paper towels and even used towels so we shouldn't throw those away! We need to donate our used towels to an animal shelter.

I discovered a new interactive site for readers and authors when visiting A Book Inside. It's called Author and Book Event Center. I just joined myself on Wednesday. If you like to read or have published a book, it's really worth checking out.
I just bookmarked both sites and will visit them as I have time, later today.
Thanks for sharing these ideas. I'll have to remember that about donating old towels to an animal shelter.
You had asked over on my blog about backing up your blog. My web host has a thing I can click on, and they'll back up my blog on their servers. I don't know about Blogspot, though. Do they have any help pages you could check?
I'm glad to hear you got your hard drive backed up. I've been on this new hard drive for close to two months, and I haven't done anything to back it up. I need to do that!!
I know the cats at my local shelter really appreciate canned food, it's a special treat for them. And definitely used towels. Most of the cats use litterboxes with towels folded inside for beds because the towels are easily changed and washed.
I really look forward to this kind of post from your blog. I learn a lot from your sharing. Thanks again.
It's not that hard to install commentluv, but it will take a bit of time to learn it.
Learn it on a practice blog first, then it won't matter if you make mistakes.
ooops, wrong email...Tech Chalet...ie...(Alan's other blog under construction still).
I'm glad you are visiting Alan's blog. It's a pretty special place. I'm going to try his suggestions too because I've been wanting Comment Luv on my blog to recognize the people who take the time to comment.
I love the other ideas as well.
Thanks again for this weekly post.
Commentluv post was moved to my new blog
if anyone is looking for it.
(if this comment double posted, just delete one, tks.)
Alan, thanks for letting me know. I changed the link in the post along with your blog picture. Hope your new blog is a success!
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