This is a tag from Wendy at Nurturing Nigel and Ruthi at Carpenter's Wife.
Hubby List
Can you remember the day you first met your hubby?
When was that? (doesn't have to be specific)
November 16, 2006 at Pizza Hut (read all about it here: Our Anniversary of Day We Met)
First impression.
He didn't look like much, but he was easy to talk to and I wasn't intimidated by him.
Were you attracted to him?
Not really, but we had a lot in common.
Were you friends before he became your bf?
What was the sweetest thing he did for you?
We were in a long line at a food court and I was very hungry so he got out of line and went and bought me a cookie to hold me over.
He would send me surprise gifts at work which included flowers, balloon bouquets, food baskets and a Vermont Teddy Bear.
He meets me at the bus stop every day (unless I drive in the morning and park the car there).
We got out of an Indians game and he hailed down a cab for us instead of waiting for a bus to go home.
When I was getting dressed at the church for my wedding, he sent me over a little Teddy Bear to let me know he was there.
What are the things about him that you are thankful for?
He is very responsible and dependable which I like.
He is extremely helpful around the house.
He cracks me up when he plays with our stuffed animals.
He lets me handle the money matters and doesn't criticize me.
He understands me and supports me in whatever I do.
He carries things for me.
He looks out for me.

*Now the rules are simple.
Link it back to me.
1. Pick your sweetest picture when you were still friends and post it on top of the questions and answers.
2. Another pic now that you are together post it after the questions.
3. Share to how many friends you like.
4. Enjoy doing it c:
5. Let your hubby read it too!
I am sharing these questions to my happily married friends
Mountain Woman (Red Pine Mountain),
Tina (Creative Nerd),
Rene' Morris (Cheaper by half Dozen),
Jenn at (Kids are my world),
Monique (Blogging More)
Doylene (A Gracious Home)
.Cindy (Fenced In Family)
Oh, I like this! I love reading your answers, Karen. Your husband must be a great spot ("He didn't look like much"). :)
Would it be bad blogging manners if I went around to the other blogs begging to be tagged on this one? Lol
Oops, that should say that your husband is a great SPORT. Maybe he's a great spot too, I don't know.
Daisy's mom here:
Having someone you know will always look out for you is so important. I met my husband (Mark) when we were in college. He was teaching me to drive (a stick shift), and I accidentally had a small fender-bender in a parking lot. We got out of the car to leave our information, and the car's owner came running over screaming "How could you do that!?!" and worse. Mark said it was an accident and that we would take care of it. It was a really embarrassing accident, and not once did he mention that it was my fault, or that I was just learning to drive. I knew then that he would always look out for me. And he still does, more than 25 years later.
I loved reading your answers. I always enjoy reading about couples who are happy. We always here so much about the negative so it is truly a joy to find a happy couple.
Thanks for tagging me. I'll probably do it after the holidays are over and it will be a good way to start the New Year; giving thanks for a great relationship.
What more could you ask for? Nothing. Sounds like you got yourself a winner if you ask me.
Have a terrific day. :)
I enjoyed reading this today and just love to hear stories from happy marriages since I'm such a romantic at heart! True love is something special and you and Gerard certainly are too!
What a great story, Daisy's mom! Thanks for sharing. You're very blessed to have such a caring husband.
Thanks for adding me to your tag list, Karen. :) I didn't have to beg too hard!
Mine is posted. Thanks for the tag! :)
Thanks for your comments here. I look forward to seeing your answers, Cindy, Jenn and Mountain Woman.
Sandee, Yes, Gerard is my "Mr. Wonderful." I'll definitely keep him!
Daisy's mom,
How nice of you to share your sweet story here. It was nice to hear about your hubby since we don't hear much about him on Daisy's blog (except for not eating the breakfast she fixed for him!) That was funny.
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