Tuesday I decided to put up our little tree in the living room for our cats because they enjoy it so much and we don't have a lot of space. I also decided to use old Christmas cards on it instead of ornaments to decorate it. I found this idea while reading blogs last week but I forgot where it was. At the time I just figured I wouldn't do that, but then after thinking about it, I thought it would work real well for the cats. (If it was yours, please let me know and I'll include a link to your post.)
View this short video to get Spunky's reaction. Sorry the video is so dark, it was taken early in the morning before the sun came up and our living room didn't have very good lighting.
Using cards is a great idea for kitties. They love the tree and with cards, they can climb it without risking any ornaments.
Tbat was a cute video, have to love how curious cats are. Great idea using cards on the cat Christmas tree, hope they enjoy it!
I loved your video! That's a great idea for a tree, too. We are probably not going to put our tree up this year because Harley is too young. But the cat tree might work! How did you attach the cards?
Loved the video. You have to watch out for our babies. Great advice. Have a terrific day. :)
That is a great idea for a tree with kitties in the house. You should have seen my pup Rosie's ears go up and the look on her face when your video played - she found it very interesting. Hope your kitties enjoy it too.
We don't have our own tree......
"HEY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I don't have cats, but those are some good tips for those that do. I'd also like to say a belated Happy Birthday to Gerard. Have a great weekend.
'No tinsels!' :)
I wasn't expecting that one tip but it does make sense.
And the greeting cards on the tree? Wonderful!
Merry Christmas to you and your cat!
Karen, The cat tree is a cute idea. The safety info on the video is timely also.
This is a good idea - my cat loves paper and card and has been known to knock the odd card over and then lie on it extremely contented. Her other favourite trick is to scratch at cards - I'm not sure what the fascination is but it gives her enormous enjoyment. Needless to say I place very special cards up out of reach. I've never allowed her to climb from a kitten so thankfully the highest place she ever goes onto is the windowsill!
What a great idea!
Wow! You even have a Christmas tree for your cats! And it looks grand. That's one way to recycle old cards.
Never thought of a tree for cats! What a great idea! Supposed to get our white pine this weekend, but maybe we'll scale back and get a baby tree for our three furry friends instead. Lots less maintenance!
lucky cats! they get their own Christmas Tree! Is it filled with cat treats? :)
Cute video! Great idea for a kitty's tree too! We got a tree last Sunday but it's still sitting there with no ornaments because of the kitties.
Great idea to have a tree for the kitties. We just have our big tree and our cat LOVES to hang out underneath it.
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