Entrecard is like a huge blog directory but so much more. Blogs that have an Entrecard (a blog ad with the word "DROP" on or next to it) are members of Entrecard. It is like a business card but for blogs. It is completely free with the option of paying to advertise if you wish. It is a great way to kick-start traffic to your blog as well as revisit your favorite blogs and develop friendships with other Entrecard members. When you visit a blog with an Entrecard on it, you just click on the word "DROP" and it lets the blogger know you visited their blog. You get a credit for visiting and these credits all add up which you can then use for advertising your blog on other blogs. Now and then Entrecard has promotional contests like this. The deal is for members to post pros and cons of Entrecard and they get 5,000 credits--they say everyone wins! I just couldn't pass this up so I am interrupting our regular posts with this one.
Here is what I like about Entrecard--the Pros:
The blogs are grouped by lots of different categories. You can easily find blogs related to yours or topics in which you are interested.
It provides an easy way to send messages to other members and write recommendations for their blogs if you wish, thus making it very easy to "meet" other bloggers and develop friendships.
I like to easily see who visited my blog.
Of course I like getting new traffic from this too.
The down side is like anything, it takes time but if you want to get more traffic, anything you do takes time.
For me, since I have three blogs registered in Entrecard, my drops are divided so it takes me longer to build them up to advertise each blog.
I like Entrecard, have stuck with it for almost three years now and highly recommend it to anyone looking for an easy way to increase traffic to you blog. I hope you give it a try!
Sadly, I had too many cons to continue with EC. I think my biggest thing was when I closed my account and removed my widget, I was still getting upwards of 20 plus clicks on my non-existent widget. If that doesn't tell you something is fishy, I don't know what does.
While I made a few friends with EC, I found that my time was better spent finding new blogs on my own.
Did I find you on EC?? I'll bet that was one of my biggest "pros"!
Lin: Yes you did. I was really into trying to keep my blog up near the top in the category for awhile, especially My Funny Dad, Harry one but it just got too boring to keep clicking and clicking and clicking on all the blogs that never updated, seeing the same stuff every day. Once I quit doing that, I liked it a lot better.
To me, I don't care about the stats so it's no big deal if they aren't accurate. I use it the way I want and it works for me. Haven't spent much time on there though in the last few months--too busy trying to keep up with all the link ups and visit blogs that way, but it sure would be nice if more of them had ECs for me to drop on.
Have never heard of this. Might have to take a look when I get a chance :)
im in entrecard too, actually i just dropped on you.. =) visiting from MMM...
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