Laundry day is one of my favorite days! I like laying on the nice warm clothes when they just come out of the dryer. Gerard says I get my furs all over his things but if I lay on his jeans, those don't seem to show my furs as much as some other things, like his white sweatshirts.

Another really cool thing I like about laundry is the basket. It's a big plastic basket that I love jumping into and laying in. Sometimes Karen will be funny and tip it over upside down on top of me and it looks like I'm in jail. I like it either way. Manny is not interested in joining me in here at all so that is good. Do you like laundry day?

Actually, doing the laundry is Karen's favorite household chore, if she had to pick one. It's pretty easy to throw everything in the washer, set the time and change it over to the dryer and set the timer again. The best part is that she can still do other things WHILE she's actually doing the laundry. She loves to multi-task!
If you are looking for Christmas posts, there are plenty listed on the left side bar from last year that you may have missed.

How adorable. Well, in the winter I'd bet nice warm things from the dryer is really nice. Not so much in the summer though. I'm glad your mommy likes to do laundry. It's helpful if you actually enjoy doing boring housework. Domestic goddess I'm not.
Have a terrific day. :)
We love laundry day because it is so much fun to help change the sheets on the bed!
What nice helpful cats you have. I'm lucky Bill does the laundry every Saturday morning, I'm spoiled. Thanks for the url Karen I'll check that out after the New Year. Enjoy your Christmas.
Just stopping by from SITS and wishing you happy holidays !!! :) cute Blog!!!
LOL! Cat Jail!! Grace likes when I change the sheets, just like Daisy. She gets all silly when I do that. I actually think she smiles!
I have the Laundry Day Blues. My machine seems to be leaving a musty stale smell. How can I clean my machine??
Sandee: Actually, Spunky likes laying on the warm clothes in the summer too and always enjoys jumping into that basket! I am far from being a Domestic Goddess too--Gerard does everything! Even the laundry unless I beat him to it.
Daisy & Lin: Spunky likes that too--don't change them as often as I should though.
Jude: Oh yeah, Spunky is always ready to help. I am spoiled as well, Gerard does everything else and even the laundry if I don't get it going before I leave for work.
Katinka: Thanks for stopping by. Hope you will come again and maybe even become a follower--(hint, hint).
Baby Names: I don't know, maybe try throwing in a bounce sheet or two next time your dry the clothes--couldn't hurt.
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