I sent two packages. One on November 26 via media mail and the person still has not received it. The other I sent to the winner of my contest on "My Funny Dad, Harry" blog, Abelle from Only In Silence who lives in the Philippines on December 13, first-class. In both cases I was told it should arrive within 10 business days. It is well past that and I feel awful because they haven't received it. I guess I should have sent it priority instead or at the very least requested confirmation. From now on, I will when sending packages. (I finally got an email from Abelle last Friday saying she finally got it and she read the book in 3 days! Visit her blog to read her wonderful review at My Funny Dad, Harry--A Review.) UPDATE: The one I sent on Nov. 26 finally arrived on January 17! What's up with the U.S. Post Office????

I learned about a comprehensive Personality quiz at Mira's Web Journal. It's free at www.Learn Myself.com and you can post a brief overview to your blog or My Space or with a link to the full report! Pretty Cool, huh?

Clara at Coming Back To Life shared photos of her trip to Ft. McHenry in Baltiore, MD. This is the first I heard of this place and like seeing places like this. This was where Francis Scott Key penned the words to what later became our National Anthem. Her pictures of her grandkids enjoying this trip are very fun to see! It brought back memories of when we went to see historical places.

I finally found how to add the page rank widget to my blogs thanks to A Second Cup's post about it. You can get one for your blog too at Google PageRank Checker. I found out this blog is a PR2 and "My Funny Dad, Harry" is a PR3. (At least I ranked.)

That article on copy-protecting was interesting. Once in a while I go to Copyscape and do a check.
Congrats on your PR3. I finally got a page rank too. PR2 Yea!
P.S. Thanks for all your visits and comments. Good news my computer finally arrived yesterday! Whoo-Hoo!
What a nice thing to do every Friday. Some of these sites I visit too.
Have a terrific Friday and weekend. :)
I just want you to know that I have enjoyed so much reading your blog.
I also admire you for writing your book and publishing it. I write many things, but can't seem to get the courage to publish them.
Great things you learned once again! I also learned a lot from the post on Everyday Living about copyright stuff.
I love that slogan from Heresy Today also. It is something that we all need to keep in mind. Congratulations on your Page Rank! Have a great weekend;)
Thanks for sharing. I'm off to check out the copyright protection articles. Everyday Living is a great blog.
I was so thrilled when I finally got a page rank so I can understand how you feel.
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