Wednesday, August 9, 2023

3 Odd Things We Saw On Our Walk

Every morning we walk our dog about an hour to 1 1/2 hours and see lots of wildlife and sometimes cats out and other dog walkers.  Today we saw something we never saw before--a deer/squirrel feeder attached to a tree on our street.  It had corn on the cob in it along with some nuts.  

Yesterday, there was a dead duck right on the sidewalk!  Sorry no picture, I haven't been taking a camera along but after seeing this, I decided to start bringing it.  On the same walk as the dead duck that made me feel sad, we also saw a dead possum in a street!  Sad for the possum too.  Possums are very helpful creatures who pretty much mind their own business and don't generally hurt people.  I much prefer seeing the live wildlife like deer that we often see in people's yards early morning.  I wish there was one eating at that feeder we saw today.  It would have made for a better picture.  

What was the last strange thing you saw?

Here are some links to other strange thing posts you may enjoy:

Strange Things:  Odd Houses in Our Neighborhood

Karen's Day of Was Very Unusual (by Spunky Doodle)

Three Strange Sights That Made My Jaw Drop and Eyes Pop

A Strange Sunday

Strange Bus Ride to Work Today


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