Sunday, February 27, 2011

Play Fighting Featuring Spunky and Manny

While we were playing around when Karen was at the computer, she got that camera out and taped us so you could see how we entertain her. Since she got a new digital camera for Christmas, she found out it's easy to take video with her digital cameras and is even easier to upload it to the computer than with the flip camera. We really do like each other but we like to wrestling and boxing.

Visit Pet Pride with Bozo at Pets Forever to link up your pet post and to find some more.
Tweet Me from Karen & Gerard


eileeninmd said...

Great video! I am glad they are only play fighting. My dogs use to play fight a lot too. I will have to practice using my cmaera as a video. Have a great Sunday!

The Silver Age Sara said...

I love the new blogging background and the video was so cute! I have the reverse problem. I can never get my camera to upload videos but I know I'm doing something wrong.

BeadedTail said...

Yay Spunky! We're glad you got the chair! Manny must have realized those flat ears meant business!

Daisy said...

Beware the flattened ears! Manny, you fight pretty gently.

Sparkle said...

MOL, your human doing your voices was hilarious!

Rebecca said...

I love the way Manny sloooooowly moves his paw toward Spunky's nose. Ooooo he's asking for it!

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Oh,my these two sweety pie kitties are just adorable. thank God for animals that bring us so much joy :) :) The video was hysterical and your voice-overs were really good ;) :) My dad and I both watched. My father also enjoyed it. W hen it was over, he said "That's it?" He wanted to see more of their adventures :) oh, Yeah, for Spunky Doodle and Manny :) :) Have a lovely week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather ;) :)

Ingrid said...

Only cats wash between their fights, lol ! Imagine a soldier scratching behind his ear before jumping on the enemy ??

The Chair Speaks said...

Play fighting are great fun!

magiceye said...

hey guys you sure have fun!

woof woof
from bozo
Pets forever

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That was funny. We didn't know cats could talk. Dogs yes, but cats?? Manny basically allowed Spunky to have his chair.How sweet!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Great Pet Pride offering. Fun!!

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