Tuesday, September 9, 2014
So Long Old Linoleum!
Later this week we are finally having Sue's Helping Hands lay down tile in our kitchen, dining room and bathroom. Although it will take 3-4 days since Sue is working alone (so far her helpers are all busy), it will be worth it. The linoleum is so old, Gerard can't get it clean anymore which is extremely frustrating for "Mr. Clean." I never did like the kitchen linoleum but chose to live with it for 17 years. We will be using the same color tile in all three rooms to provide some continuity. In the meantime though, our living room will be loaded with all our dining room furniture and perhaps the kitchen table as well. Since we won't be able to walk on the new tile for 8 hours, the kitchen and dining room have to be done in sections so we can get to our front door. At least one of the days, we will have to go out the front door and in the side door to get to the basement (Gerard's bathroom is down there). Not looking forward to the obstacle course part.
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It will be so nice when it's done though. Yes it will. You'll love the new look.
Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the babies. ☺
Wow! You are really making changes! You're going to love the uniformity and the look of tile! How exciting for both of you!
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