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I finally learned what a "megapixel" is when visiting Better in Bulk. It's one million pixels or dots that make up a digital picture. Basically, the more the better the picture quality. This post includes a table letting you know how many megapixels you should have for what size prints you want. This blog also has a tab for photo tips with a post on how to make pictures you load to your blog larger.

Monday I got my results back from the biopsy and I have some cancer in my right breast--not the news I was hoping for. Learning the meanings of new words like Lumpectomy (removing the cancer, saving the breast, followed by radiation), Mastectomy (removal of the breast, Lymph Nodes, sentinel node biopsy--removing lymph nodes to screen them for cancer cells. Way more than I wanted to know!
UPDATE: Thanks for all your support and prayers! It's so nice to know many people are pulling for me. I just found out last night that sugar causes the cancer cells to increase. This is very bad news for me because I usually eat 2 donuts a week and love chocolate! Both are very bad and are on the "foods to avoid" list. The other bad news for me is that the "good food list" is vegetables which I eat zero of unless I go to a buffet. And guess what is the best offense against the Cancer cells--green tea and vegetable drinks! YUCK! Please pray God will help me acquire a taste for these things--I know With God, all things are possible! For a laugh, check out my previous posts about green tea and donuts: Green Tea Is Not For Me, No Thanks! and Donut Day, Hurray, Hurray!

Quicker Ice Cubes

I wonder if this post I do each week could count as Friday Fragments. What do you think? Would I have to change the name to link up to others?
Prayers in progress. Just saying.
I didn't know that about ice cubes either. I'm going to give that one a try.
Have a terrific day and weekend Karen. :)
Remember what I said, Karen, about the veggies. If you don't care for any one in particular, go with a medley. Get a steamer bag and toss it in the microwave. I enjoy a bag five days a week at lunch, with some Butter Buds. Lo-cal and I get a day's serving painlessly. Although lately I've taken to picking out some carrots. Not a fan of carrots.
I didn't know about the ice cube thing either. Why? Why did I never know that?
There are now green teas that are combined with fruit flavors - I don't know how you feel about fruit...Keeping you in my good thoughts
Oh yeah and V-8 makes a fruit and veggie drink - again with the fruit but if you dislike veggies that much...couldn't hurt to try...
Oh Karen, I know how much you hate green tea but you really have to try because of its cancer-fighting antioxidants. My thoughts and prayers are with you, take care and be strong.
Thanks for the link!
Karen, I just got an email from Cash4Books that now I've sold them books, I can become an affiliate and put a link on my blog. They pay quite nicely for each click through.
I too love donuts and chocolate but I gave both up several years ago. It was hard at first but going cold turkey got me over it. Because of MM, I eat more veggies and fruits than before.
Just wanted to say you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Karen, A Lumpectomy and then radiation..that is some serious news. I will keep you covered in prayer, think positive! :)
Sandee: I thought that was pretty weird!
Kathy: I like carrots actually, Found some baby organic ones at Giant Eagle. You don't understand, I mean I am really lazy--steaming veggies in microwave qualifies as cooking for me--just not going to happen. Welcome back to Entrecard by the way and thanks for advertising on my blog! I am honored!
Modern Mom: I'm going to have some more of that green tea in about half an hour. I am going to drink it every day because I realize how good it is and can picture it fighting off those cancer cells.
Mountain Woman: Giving up chocolate is the hardest of all for me! Thanks for the prayers and encouragement!
Far Side of Fifty: Appreciate your prayers!
Yes! It's perfectly fragmenty :)
Sorry for your bad news, Karen. I'll be praying for you on this journey...
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