1. Blogging is a big waste of time! (April Fool!)
2. People seem to comment most on silly posts and on sad posts.
3. People struggle with all kinds of things, including raising children, finances, chronic illness, work issues, faith issues but still make time to blog.
4. Bloggers are very helpful and supportive of one another. I have actually made "friends" through blogging. In fact, I know my online friends better than most of my real life friends!
5. Blogging is a great way to learn many things. Every Friday I post things I've learned during the week and invariably there are some I've learned from other bloggers.
6. Blogging is fun! Before I started blogging, I didn't even know what a blog was. I learned as I went along, beginning with PNN, Blogger, from other bloggers and reading "Blogging For Dummies." I'm still learning things in my third year of blogging.
7. Blogging is contagious, once their owners start, pets and kids often have their own blogs too!
8. The blogosphere is huge and consists of many communities made of of people from around the world and all walks of life. There is never enough time in a day to read all the blogs I would like.
9. My vocabulary has grown through blogging. Now I know the meanings of more words which include post, CommentLuv, Google alerts, friend connect, link love, Feedly, Entrecard, sidebar, widget, meme, RSS feed, HTML code, SAHM, blogroll, Blogger, Wordpress, elevator pitch, blogversary, catosphere, bounce rate and MacLinky.
10. To get comments on your posts, it helps to ask people a question they can respond to and then acknowledge their comment.
11. Blogging has taught me how to be open and share more with others about my life.

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I so agree with the vocab thing- although I still can't spell worth a darn- but writing this often has allowed my vocab to expand ;-) I'm following you now- stop by my place when you can!
Blogging has increased my vocabulary too. Really?
A blogversary? CONGRATS!!
I like number 2. So true. I'm aiming for the funny most days. "Aiming" and "hitting" are not always synonymous.
Good list!
I really like your Writer's Workshop, and this one was GREAT! #1 was funny! I think I may join! :D
Amen Sista!!!
These are all so true! Blogging has surpassed everything I ever thought it would be. It can be a lot of work but it's also a lot of fun!
Happy to have found you on my little SITS blog hop! I'm six months into my blogging career and everything you wrote in this list after four totally resonates with me... guess I'll have to follow you now!
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
It is interesting the types of posts that draw the most interaction isn't it? Striking that chord is like pulling off a great magic trick sometimes!
I have a love/hate relationship with blogging but I think after almost two years, I've found balance. The one thing I treasure about it is the good friends I've made, you especially and you are so correct that in some ways we know our blogging friends even better than our "real world" friends. It's been a struggle to find balance away from the blogging world and to leave it for real life but thankfully I have. And now every time I turn on the computer, I have a precious group of friends who mean so much to me.
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