There are a bunch of big, colorful snails in the Cleveland Public Library garden downtown that caught me by surprise when I went to read there on my break.
Library Garden Snails |
This are all over the garden and even some are bigger than these! I have no idea why they are here, but that's not all. On the window sills of the library are some wolves (not pictured) and meerkats as well!
Meerkats on high window sills of library |
Everyone at work who was out and saw these the first day they appeared came back buzzing about them. Some thought they were cute and others thought it was absolutely ridiculous to have these plastic animals all around. I only saw them at the library though.
Any thoughts? Personally, I thought it created kind of a fun, happy atmosphere as they looked down on me when I walked to and from work at lunch and on my breaks.
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Hey, with all the bad stuff going on these days, it's nice to have something colorful, cheerful and fun to see and talk about. To those who are complaining, I say "kwitcherbitchin." I like them!
Here is what I found out about them:
Thanks for the link, Summer. I went to read about them. I haven't seen the big elephant or the frogs yet though. I will keep a lookout!
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