Saturday, March 5, 2022

My Neighborhood Cat Friend - Woodka

This is a picture I took of Woodka today, a very friendly neighborhood cat who comes up to me on its own and lets me pet it.  Its fur is very fine and long so is easily matted.  It's very soft though and I feel honored that it comes over to me.  The yard is about a foot above the sidewalk and the cat stays in the yard for the most part.  I can sit on the wood border along the side of the yard and pet it up easily.  Today since it reached 61 degrees, I was pretty certain Woodka would be outside so brought along my cat massaging shell comb to brush it.  My cat loved it and didn't like any of the other combs or brushes I tried and Woodka liked it too!  I was able to get some of the tangles out of her fur before her owner called her back inside.  I miss my cats so much and am happy to see some outdoor cats in our neighborhood as we walk our dog, but this is the only one so far that comes up to me for petting.  

I highly recommend getting the massage comb from for any cats you know.  Here is a demonstration so you can see how much cats enjoy it:

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Brian's Home Blog said...

Woodka will probably be looking for you and that comb and will be ready for next time!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Cute cat!

pilch92 said...

Very cute kitty.

The J-Cats said...

Woodka is a beautiful kitty. Such lovely, thick fur. It was nice of you to try to comb her. Wonder why her owner doesn't do that...

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Meeting a local cat is a delight, especially if they want to spend some time with you too. Great you could give that massage, I bet it was much appreciated.

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