Friday, January 22, 2010

8 Things I Learned This Week #55

Book Recommendations

For book lovers, I found a site of book reviews with links to other book bloggers who just post book reviews at "Here Be Reviews".


I found a cute post over at The Bumbles Blog explaining HTML in a fun way using a gator analogy.

How To Help When Disaster Strikes

You can donate at The American Red Cross site to help people hit by disasters to recover from the destruction and devastation. You don't have to fee helpless. This past week I went there to donate to help the relief effort in Haiti.


In the PLAIN DEALER "Parade" insert, I learned of a study the average gym goer works out less than two hours a week, but the average dog owner spends eight hours a week walking. When pressed for time, dog owners still walk their dogs but gym goers often blow off working out. I know I enjoy walking more since we got our dog. I can't remember ever going to the park in the winter just to walk through the snow before we got a dog. Read about the fun we had at the park: We Went Squirrel Chasing

At you can click on a year to get a summary of highlights. Want to find out what happened the year you were born? Go on, give it a try! There is just tons of information at this site. I thought it was very interesting.

Prayer Request

Over at Cheaper By The Half Dozen Rene Morris' cousin, James, has colon cancer and she is asking the blogging community to pray for his healing. This blogger was the first one to read my book, (My Funny Dad, Harry) and her blog was one of the first I found. She is also an young adult fiction author of Sonshine Girls--Summer Secret which I read and enjoyed.

Computer Virus Protection

At Comedy Plus I learned that Norton is not very good at protecting computers from viruses and Malware, but that AVG free version 9.0 is much better. Instructions included that you should go to first which takes you to cnet where you then type in what you want to download such as "AVG free version 9.0." Also, it confirmed to me that IE is not a good browser to use and the Firefox is the better choice. I wish I knew a computer guru who could take care of this kind of thing for me. UPDATED: Sandy informed me that "Lavasoft Ad-Aware is the program that catches the malware/adware. It's free too."


Make and TakesI learned over at Make and Takes post Edible Playdoh That You Will Want To Eat that you can actually make playdoh that you want to eat! It's made with peanut butter, honey and powdered sugar. What a great craft for kids--as long as they aren't allergic to peanuts.

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Daisy said...

We agree that Firefox is better than IE. We're currently trying FF 3.6 (beta). But we also just started using Opera for Entrecard dropping - I don't really like the looks of Opera, but it is really fast!

Lori said...

We have a dog and regardless of the weather, we are out walking! He gets three walks each day. Morning, afternoon and evening. Sometimes they are shorter if it is too cold, but we do it!! And when the weather allows for it, the whole family goes for the walks!

Stacy Uncorked said...

I love using Firefox - especially since I've had a lot less computer issues since not using IE. I've had a recent rash of computer issues because I upgraded my dormant IE browser to IE8 to see if my blog would work 'better' for those that insist on using IE...boy, do I regret that move! :) Thanks for the link to the virus protection freebie - I used to use Norton but it recently expired and I was debating on renewing or not. I'll try this other one instead! :)

The edible play-do sounds intriguing - I'll definitely have to try that, too! :)

Sandee said...

You learned a lot this week. I'm going to go check out Opera for Entrecard dropping. Might be the ticket.

Lavasoft Ad-Aware is the program that catches the malware/adware. It's free too.

Have a terrific day and thanks for the mention. :)

won said...

I do not like IE. I have been using Google Chrome and find that a great option!

Rebecca @ Freaky Frugalite said...

Opera is blazingly fast-- I used it to drop Entrecards for a while, but reverted to Firefox on this main PC. I think I will go back to Opera. I never got a virus when everyone else was getting viruses from Entrecard blogs.

Tell Gerard that Calvin&Hobbes ROCKS! I have read all the comic books! LOL.

Rebecca @ Freaky Frugalite said...

By the way, Karen-- using Firefox isn't difficult. Email me if you want me to run through the steps for you.

Kathy said...

I believe that about dog-walking and gym people. Easy to blow off the gym, but the dog's gotta go!

If anyone is already stricken with malware, we use at work. It's a free download. It has saved us many times from having to reformat and refresh a computer. Love it!

I'm a big fan of Firefox. In fact, I teach a seminar on it at work. If anyone's interested in some features you might not know about, feel free to browse my seminar documentation (indexed by topic).

Firefox Seminar

Mrs4444 said...

I love Firefox and AVG. So far (keeping fingers crossed) they've kept me very happy.

The html post was cute :)

The info on dog walkers is great. What do they say about people (like me!) who just put their dog on the treadmill?!

Hope you're having a great weekend...

LookieLou said...

I believe that about walking and dog owners. We recently "Woofy Woo Approved" a book called Fit as Fido. It's about getting fit by doing as a dog does. Our dogs are little and it's a bit dangerous to take them out around here because there are many aggressive big dogs around. But, when they do go "walkies" everyone has a good time!

The Silver Age Sara said...

Karen, all you need to do is download firefox from their website and start using it. It's really simple.
I use Lavasoft Adaware but I upgraded to the paid edition which runs in real time. I can't believe all the bugs it catches and seems like all kinds of stuff appears in some EC blogs.
I'm so sorry to hear about James and I will keep him and his family in my prayers.
Interesting observation about dog walking. I don't think it applies to our country dogs though cause they are never on a leash and they are always running two miles to my one. I miss those city walks.

Helene said...

I have Firefox but I rarely use it because I don't like the fonts.

I made the peanut butter playdough with my kids once and they ate so much of it they got tummy aches!!

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

Daisy: I use Firefox, but my husband uses IE. Never heard of Opera.

Peterson Family: Yup, us too. I'll even go along too on occasion, but for the most part, my husband walks our dog. He tries to give her at least 4 walks a day.

Stacy: Think I'll try this other one too instead of Norton when it expires in June for me. See Sandee's comment below about the Malware protection.

Won: I think my husband is the only one who likes IE. He likes it because when he goes in it, his yahoo eamil automatically comes up for him.

Rebecca: Gerard was happy to hear you like Calvin & Hobbes too!

Kathy: Thanks for that advice--I used it and it worked great! (You mentioned it to me a long time ago.) Also, I'll share the Firefox Seminar link in my next week's post--nice of you to share it!

Mrs. 4444: LOL, that is funny! I don't believe it. You should post a video of that!

LookieLou: I'm adding "Fit as Fido" to my plan to read list!

Mountain Woman: I'm definitely planning to switch to Lavasoft Adaware in June. It would be nice to be able to let our dog just run loose, but not going to happen here in the city.

Helene: Your kids are so funny--overdosing on peanut butter play doh! I never noticed any problem with the Firefox fonts.

The Bumbles said...

I like Mrs. 4444's endorsement of the edible playdough!

I just started using FireFox this week myself. It is soooo much faster than IE. It has this super cool add on called Feedly that is WAY better than plain old boring Google Reader. Puts all the posts in a magazine styled web page. Super cool and much faster to sort through. My only complaint with FireFox is that my NetZero webmail doesn't allow for many features outside of the IE browser. Bummer.

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