We have a lot of toys around here, a tunnel, a cat tree, little mice, shoelaces, catnip bags, feather on a stick and chew toys, but my favorite are the fake flowers at the base of Karen and Gerard's unity candle that is on the piano. I can play with these all day. I've gotten so good at pulling them out, that now I can even drop them onto the floor and bat them around and pounce on them! I finally found something that Spunky doesn't horn in on. This is MY toy and I love it. Everyday I play with these flowers and Karen is pretty good about resetting them up for me throughout the day.
Although, that red dot laser beam toy we got for Christmas is a close second! The only problem with that is that it only seems to come around if Karen is home. Did you watch the
video of me pouncing on it?
What's your favorite toy? Do you let your pets play with things like this?
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My favorite toy of all time is the Cat Dancer. It's just pieces of cardboard on the end of a wire, but it's fun to chase!
This is from Little Bit - I like to steal the toys the neighbor kids leave out on their lawns. I figure I've stolen 50 or more over the years. I spot them when I go for my morning walk with daddy and then I plan my strategy.
When we return from our walk and the toy is still there I grab it and then run home full speed so I won't get caught stealing. It makes my daddy laugh every time. I know I shouldn't steal their toys, but I just can't help myself. :)
My favorite toy is catnip stuffed fabric Jelly Beans from CasbahKitten. My little sisfur Angel loves her Rosie Rat mousie toys.
my colored fur mousies
I think those flowers look pretty fun too. I like when the beans share their stuff
No cats here but all of our dogs have their own special favorite toys too.
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