Bola at Mums Dads Children
gave me this award for the coolest blog. I don't know about that, but I appreciate it.
The rules are quite simple;
You pick ten people and pass this award to them.
Then contact them and let them know that you have chosen them and their blog for the award.
Also link back to the person who gave you the award.
So,here are my picks for this award:
Daisy, the Curly Cat
Ruthi at A Carpenter Wife's Tool Box
Hadias at Proverbs Wife
Trophy of Grace at Real Christian Talk for Real Christians, Consecrated to Him
Sue at Stay At Home Mom
Carole at Carole's Thoughtful Spot
Retired and Restless
Mike at livelife365
Happy Family Matters--Father Blogger Dot Com
I Do Things So You don't Have To
Congratulations on your pretty award! And thank you for passing it along to me, too. You are very nice!
Oh, my gosh! Thank you! And congratulations! I see I'm in very good company -- and I agree with Daisy: what a pretty award! Thank you again!
JD at I Do Things
Oh Karen, thanks a lot I really appreciate it. I will put the award badge on my sidebar for people to see. thanks again.
Oh THANK you, I love butterflies, what a cool award, I'm so flattered, thank you! :-) And you are certainly a worthy recipient - I love your blog! And your cats. I like the cat-in-the-basket! :-P
Congratulations on your award!
Congrats and thanks for thinking of my site...much appreciated.
Thanks for the award. I'll post it to my blog as soon as I can. :)
You are all very welcome!
Congratulations on your well deserved award!
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