This game was great--Browns Bring Down The Giants 35-14! In spite of the Browns inability to avoid the penalties, they were on fire! Anderson was actually amazing! His throws were on target and the offensive line protected him very well. He took command and the Browns actually dominated the game. The Browns scored touchdowns at home!

The game was on so late that I had a hard time keeping my eyes open near the end. I fell asleep on a commercial with a little over 6 seconds to go and when I woke up, it was all over. I had to go on the computer to find out the final score because I played the the squares at work and had 4 for NY, and 5 for Cleveland. I had a chance because at least the Giants had my number when I dozed off. Browns won with the final score 35-14! It's the first time I won on this!
Hooray for your team!!
your slideshow is bigger than mine, why don't you try picking the same style if slide like i have and maybe it will perfectly fit on the side bar of your blog; i think size depends on the style you get from slide show, goodluck and thanks for the comment on my blog :-)
Yeah, go Browns! Beat those mean Giants!
a disgruntled Patriots fan
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