When Gerard and I were dating, we would usually end our time together by praying out loud with each other while holding hands. This was his idea, not mine, but I got to liking it because I felt he could be the spiritual leader in our relationship and it was important to me to find someone to marry to whom I would be willing to submit as I believe a good wife should.
Personally, I'm not one who is comfortable praying out loud. I look on my relationship with God as very personal, always have, and I pray from my heart sincerely so sometimes I cry. This is embarrassing for me and awkward for anyone listening to me. I just can't help it. This is why it was so wonderful that I found a guy who I was actually comfortable enough with to pray out loud about my feelings and concerns. I also discovered things that bothered him in this way.
After we were married though, we only kept this up for maybe a year. I'm not really sure why, but it just seemed as though we had a hard time finding the time that worked. In the mornings, we're both rushed and so having our separate devotions is faster. The evenings go by so quick and then we're tired. I miss it and did try to at least pray together on the weekends for awhile but that too didn't work for long. It seemed it just wasn't a priority and so other things would come up and we let it go.
Do any of you pray with your spouse regularly and if so, how does it work? When do you do it? How often? Do you think it strengthens or helps your marriage/family? There was an article in the Arts & Life section of The Plain Dealer--"When life tugs, prayer's the cord that ties spouses" by Terry Pluto which got me thinking about this.
Happy Tabby Tuesday with Simon the Observer
4 hours ago
We did, as well, for the first year. But then we kinda slacked off. We still do well as a family, but as a couple...not so much.
Hi! My name is Kaelynn. I really like your slideshow, it's really cool. I have a doctor kit. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'd just like to ask you what was in your doctor kit?
Not as a couple, but we do pray as a family every night and often at mealtimes. I'd love to, but it's not something DH has initiated.
praying out loud together as couple sounds sweet, thanks for sharing, i might as well try to initiate it. even just for a few minutes probably each day. thanks for sharing this great idea.
I used to pray with my husband. It was really a beautiful and intimate time for sharing. We would pray at night and recite various prayers such as the Lord's Prayer and then we would give prayers of thanksgiving as well.
Thanks for your comments--it's encouraging to know there are others who make the time to pray together.
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