Yesterday the snow came and came and came in Cleveland. When I talked to Gerard at lunch time, he said he would leave the car in the corner parking lot for me and would call me probably a little after 5:00 when he got there to let me know he made it okay. Well, I got my cell phone ready at the bus stop and waited for his call, praying for him to get home safely the whole time. At 5:40 he called to let me know he was STILL downtown, not even to the ramp yet to get on the interstate. Traffic was not moving.

Why is it on snowy days people don't want to stop for the red lights at major intersections? This is what causes the gridlocks when drivers continue going when there is no room to go so they get stuck blocking the intersection. One lady actually stood in the middle of the street trying to direct traffic and get the drivers to stop at the red light before blocking the intersection. She was very brave but it was a futile effort. She kept yelling for the drivers to stop but they wouldn't! I was hoping she wouldn't get hit! The streets were snow covered and slippery. Finally, a policeman took over and had a little more success than the lady did.

It snowed the whole day and Gerard had to drive home in white-out conditions. On days like this, I am thankful I take the bus. Although I had to wait 50 minutes for the bus to come, at least I was in a bus shelter, dressed warm enough that I wasn't cold at all and even was able to sit down to wait for it. Mostly, I was worried about Gerard because I was in good shape. When my bus came, I could sit back and read my book while praying for Gerard to make it home safely. It normally takes me an hour to get home, but yesterday it took me 2 1/2 hours.
I shoveled the front while Gerard walked Abby, then watched The Biggest Loser and didn't go near the computer. Gerard shoveled the drive in the back and watched the end of the Celtics game. We were both so glad to finally be home and get to relax!
Doesn't this make you want to move to Cleveland? Gerard said this morning he wishes he were retired right now and living in Florida!
(Pictures taken on my afternoon break. It was 27 degrees and fortunately, not a strong wind. Didn't take any pictures at the bus stop because I was focused on waiting for Gerard's call so held onto my cell phone.)