I just didn't feel like decorating this year so left it up to Gerard. I just didn't feel like fussing with setting up the tree only to have to take it down again in three or four weeks. Maybe because we hadn't had snow, I just wasn't in the mood. Today we got snow though and I still didn't set up the tree.
Gerard said he didn't mind. He pulled out some decorations: the Christmassy stuffed animals and the bear runner for the table. He hung up our stockings and I put the small Nativity set on the mantel. So far, that's the extent of our decorating.
I feel old that I don't get excited about decorating anymore. I never was very big on it, but this is really sad. I have the big nativity set I didn't even bring out this year because it's so big, it sort of overpowers our dining room table. I have a nice little village, but don't know where to put it. Spunky liked knocking the little people down when I had it on the mantle other years. I know she'll miss it. I supposed I could have set it up there again, but then would have to find room for the other stuff we have up there.
There's still time before Christmas so I may change my mind and bring out more stuff. The cats do enjoy the tree so may set it up for their pleasure. We'll see.
Same Old
5 hours ago
I'm with you, Karen. I get so darn crabby putting up all that junk every year. And then I have to pack up my everyday stuff. Ugh. I did it yesterday and boy, was I crabby last night. I still do it for the kids, but I really think I'll pare it down a LOT when they are gone.
Now I know why old people get tabletop trees! I used to think that was sad, now I know it is SMART!!!
We don't do a tree or much decorating at all, but I do like the Christmas lights. We usually hang up a string or two:)
I'm pretty sure that there was no tree in the manger, so I'm not too worried about it:P
I don't like decorating. I only do two things. Hubby LOVES C-mas- he does all the rest, if anything gets done.
this year our Christmas tree in on our Concrete Goose.Years ago we found a tree outfit for it. and with my seizures I just could not risk even trying to put up a tree.
Some years mom is nuts about doing everything and dragging out every decoration. Not this year... Miles.
He is part raccoon, part skunk!
so we will have few temptations this Christmas.
I haven't had time to decorate at all yet and we don't even think we'll have time to go get a tree. I did wrap a few presents today and with no tree, there's no where to put them!
Karen -- I'm in the same boat. I'm not at all interested in setting anything up or getting a tree. If we hang a wreath on the door, that'll be it. You're lucky to have Gerard. What a good man!
The kids want Christmas out as soon as they can convince me to do it...so the tree is up and one of their ornaments has already been broken, but I didn't kill anyone so it is okay. If it was up to me...the decorations would still be in the boxes...
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