Gerard and I went to see the Movie, "Fireproof" at our church last Friday. We had a very good dinner and I had three helpings of green beans! (To understand the significance of this, check out my earlier post:
Things I Learned This Week re: Cancer.)
The movie was about a couple having marital problems and how God changed the husband's heart to show him what love really is which helped him to complete the "love dares" that his father challenged him to do for 40 days. It had some funny things in it and I found myself pulling for the husband to reconcile with his wife. She hired a lawyer to draw up divorce papers. He was a fireman and a hero to everyone but his wife. I didn't think the acting in this movie was all that good but I am glad I saw it because I heard a lot about it. Their main issue was over respect and I immediately thought the wife should make more of an effort to respect her husband right off the bat. I think couples can learn from this movie how to improve their relationship and would recommend any couple having marital problems get the "
Love Dare" book and go through it before filing any divorce papers. I believe it could help you save your marriage.
Have you seen the movie or did the 40-day Love Dare? If so, what did you think of it?
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