Sunday was the last week with this particular group of 5th grade boys in my Sunday School class. Every year, promotion is bitter sweet. It thrills my soul to see my classes make some spiritual progress during the year and I always enjoy teaching Sunday School. I usually get attached to my classes and wish I could keep them another year. This year was no exception.
I began teaching Sunday School when I graduated from high school in 1971 and taught for something like 35 years--with only a few years off along the way. My first class was a fun group of 3rd grade boys who gave me the teaching bug! I have taught grades 3-12 in Sunday School over the years and up until now, always liked the Jr. High classes best However, This last class of 5th grade boys was the best I ever had and that's saying a lot because I have had many good classes. They were a very special group in that most were regular attenders, they all got along great, they were very open and eager to participate, willing to accept challenges, eager to learn; therefore, a pleasure to teach. Over half completed the Dare To Be A Daniel evangelism course geared to Jr. Highers during the summer. I am so proud of them!
We had some fun socials but Sunday, I was blown away when I received gifts and thank you notes from several of the boys. This was a first for me!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
It's Another Wedding Anniversary--13 Years!
Tomorrow is our 13th Wedding anniversary and as usual, we are taking this whole week off work! YIPPEE! We gave Abby a special bone Saturday to start our celebration. She liked it so much that she didn't want to leave it out of her sight and took it outside with her when she went on her walk. At first she just laid down and chewed on it but then she did walk around the block, carrying it with her. It is just so nice being home together and doing things with each other.
We have made lots of changes to our home and life over the years and have had some low points as well as mostly high points. It is so nice to have a spouse to share things with and experience things together. I am so thankful the we found each other, which I am convinced was God's doing. When we got married, there were two less lonely people in the world. (We like that song!)
Our plans for Monday include a visit to our zoo in the morning, lunch at Olive Garden with the gift card I got today from one of the boys in my Sunday School class (More about this on Tuesday), some reading, some blogging, and certainly fun with our pets. It may not sound all that exciting to you, but to us, it's a great day just because we are together.
For the 13th wedding anniversary, our book says the gifts should be lace for traditional or for modern, textiles or furs. We don't need any of these things so this year we are buying a DVD player (which I hope I can figure out how to connect to our HD TV) and transferring some old movies to DVD so I will be able to use some clips from them for blog posts.
Other related posts you might enjoy:
What Did You Compromise When You Married?
What Type Do You Fall For?
Our 12th Wedding Anniversary (With wedding pictures included)
Hubby List
13 Changes In Our Life Since Marriage
What Does Your Wedding Dress Say About You?
I Married Mr. Wonderful!
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Our plans for Monday include a visit to our zoo in the morning, lunch at Olive Garden with the gift card I got today from one of the boys in my Sunday School class (More about this on Tuesday), some reading, some blogging, and certainly fun with our pets. It may not sound all that exciting to you, but to us, it's a great day just because we are together.
For the 13th wedding anniversary, our book says the gifts should be lace for traditional or for modern, textiles or furs. We don't need any of these things so this year we are buying a DVD player (which I hope I can figure out how to connect to our HD TV) and transferring some old movies to DVD so I will be able to use some clips from them for blog posts.
Other related posts you might enjoy:
What Did You Compromise When You Married?
What Type Do You Fall For?
Our 12th Wedding Anniversary (With wedding pictures included)
Hubby List
13 Changes In Our Life Since Marriage
What Does Your Wedding Dress Say About You?
I Married Mr. Wonderful!
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Friday, August 27, 2010
3 Things I Learned This Week #84 (football, nutrition, cats)
High School Football
In last Sunday's Cleveland PLAIN DEALER on the cover of a section called Parade, there was a picture of Natalie Randolph, one of the nation's only female football coaches. She coaches a boys' football team at Coolidge High School in Washington, D.C. She is 30 years old. I give her a lot of credit and wish her and her team well. She really cares about the students--that's why she was hired. (She looks great too!)Cinnamon
At I learned that Cinnamon is an "antioxidant superpower with huge health benefits such as a great source manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
Fat Cats
From playing my free kibble trivia game, I learned that obese cats are at higher risk for diabetes, arthritis and heart and lung disease. Non-obese cats live 15% longer! I'm going to have to put out less food--Spunky is too chunky!Visit more Friday Fragments at Half-Past Kissin' Time.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
What I Like About Cleveland, Ohio
Welcome to Cleveland, Ohio, Blogtrotters!
We actually live in Parma, a suburb of Cleveland which is another good thing about Cleveland--it has lots of suburbs. Cleveland/Parma has a lot of things that I like and is a good place to live in my opinion. I like having things so conveniently accessible. Churches (all kinds from which to choose), libraries, schools, tennis courts, ball fields, stores, fast food chains, donut shops, a bowling alley, Laundromat, restaurants and ice cream places are all within walking distance of my house. You don’t have that in the country! Everyone isn’t as well located as we are, but I’m pretty sure most Clevelanders could get to all these places by car in a half hour or less driving.
With the Regional Transit Authority, I can take the bus to work downtown or to special events and places of interest. There are at least four major highways that make traveling by car convenient too. From what I hear, our rush hour traffic is not near as bad as Chicago, New York or Los Angeles.
Cleveland has much to offer in entertainment such as theaters, rec centers, and professional sports teams, including the Cleveland Indians, Cleveland Browns, and Cleveland Cavaliers. We also have a minor league hockey team--the Lake Erie Monsters. Youth sports is big here in Cleveland too and includes baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball, football, swimming, tennis, golf and hockey. If you are into drinking, there is no shortage of taverns and sports bars around. There are plenty of neighborhood movie theaters too. If you have younger children, you must take them to our amusement for for little kids--Memphis Kiddiepark. It was opened in 1952 and is still going strong. It is small with just fun rides for the little ones, except for the carousel and Little Dipper. Bet you didn't know there was an amusement park in Cleveland!
The Cleveland Zoo is very big with lots of animals--a fun and relaxing place to bring a family. The Cleveland Metroparks are throughout the city and provide plenty of woods for hiking, bike trails, creeks, hills, and even horseback riding, swimming, sledding, and tobogganing at certain locations.
There are also many special events that come to Cleveland, such as the circus, concerts, big ships, air show and fairs. Even dog sledding which Gerard paid $5 to do. One day one of the dogs that played the part of Marley in the movie "Marley and Me" even came to Cleveland and let people get their picture taken with him at Tower City downtown. I took off work early that day so I could go.
There are several colleges and museums including the Art Museum, Museum of Natural History, Money Museum, the Great Lakes Science Center and the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame. For those who love the country, Parma even has Stearn's Farm, an historical landmark right on a main road down from Parmatown Mall, just about 15 min. from our home.
If you like the beach or just like watching the boats, Cleveland is right by Lake Erie. I can actually walk to the pier during my lunch hour if I want to since I work downtown. I have a view of the lake from my office windows. Edgewater park provides a beach, swimming and fireworks over the lake on July 4th.
It is also nice to have a hospital close by with a Cancer Unit affiliated with The Cleveland Clinic, one of the best hospitals worldwide! Cleveland has quite a few hospitals and plenty of police and fire stations around. I like the fact that if we would ever have an emergency, help is very close by. There are both public and private schools that give parents lots of choices as well as preschools throughout the city, as well as an extensive network of home schoolers.
We have a variety of weather during the four seasons. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes are seldom seen in Cleveland. We do get a fair amount of snow during December-March and usually one snowstorm in April but on the whole, Cleveland weather is pretty nice most of the year. The only downside to Cleveland is the snow and even that provides some fun if you want to look on the bright side.
What city do you live in and what do you like about it? I wrote this post because I was asked to write about Cleveland for Blog Trotting. Links contained in this post will lead you to posts directly related. So, click some links and enjoy your visit with us in our city!
I added this to Saturday Samplings at Half-Past Kissin' Time. Check it out for more "posts of the week."
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We actually live in Parma, a suburb of Cleveland which is another good thing about Cleveland--it has lots of suburbs. Cleveland/Parma has a lot of things that I like and is a good place to live in my opinion. I like having things so conveniently accessible. Churches (all kinds from which to choose), libraries, schools, tennis courts, ball fields, stores, fast food chains, donut shops, a bowling alley, Laundromat, restaurants and ice cream places are all within walking distance of my house. You don’t have that in the country! Everyone isn’t as well located as we are, but I’m pretty sure most Clevelanders could get to all these places by car in a half hour or less driving.
With the Regional Transit Authority, I can take the bus to work downtown or to special events and places of interest. There are at least four major highways that make traveling by car convenient too. From what I hear, our rush hour traffic is not near as bad as Chicago, New York or Los Angeles.
Cleveland has much to offer in entertainment such as theaters, rec centers, and professional sports teams, including the Cleveland Indians, Cleveland Browns, and Cleveland Cavaliers. We also have a minor league hockey team--the Lake Erie Monsters. Youth sports is big here in Cleveland too and includes baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball, football, swimming, tennis, golf and hockey. If you are into drinking, there is no shortage of taverns and sports bars around. There are plenty of neighborhood movie theaters too. If you have younger children, you must take them to our amusement for for little kids--Memphis Kiddiepark. It was opened in 1952 and is still going strong. It is small with just fun rides for the little ones, except for the carousel and Little Dipper. Bet you didn't know there was an amusement park in Cleveland!
The Cleveland Zoo is very big with lots of animals--a fun and relaxing place to bring a family. The Cleveland Metroparks are throughout the city and provide plenty of woods for hiking, bike trails, creeks, hills, and even horseback riding, swimming, sledding, and tobogganing at certain locations.

There are several colleges and museums including the Art Museum, Museum of Natural History, Money Museum, the Great Lakes Science Center and the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame. For those who love the country, Parma even has Stearn's Farm, an historical landmark right on a main road down from Parmatown Mall, just about 15 min. from our home.
If you like the beach or just like watching the boats, Cleveland is right by Lake Erie. I can actually walk to the pier during my lunch hour if I want to since I work downtown. I have a view of the lake from my office windows. Edgewater park provides a beach, swimming and fireworks over the lake on July 4th.
It is also nice to have a hospital close by with a Cancer Unit affiliated with The Cleveland Clinic, one of the best hospitals worldwide! Cleveland has quite a few hospitals and plenty of police and fire stations around. I like the fact that if we would ever have an emergency, help is very close by. There are both public and private schools that give parents lots of choices as well as preschools throughout the city, as well as an extensive network of home schoolers.

I added this to Saturday Samplings at Half-Past Kissin' Time. Check it out for more "posts of the week."
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I Survived My Oral Surgeon Trip--Hurray!
I survived my Dentist visit with less pain than anticipated. The surgeon was very quick about it although kept saying I don't feel a thing when I started making noises. He thought it was funny that the back of the tooth was stuck--I didn't didn't think it was one bit funny! Most of the tooth was already gone. He just kept pushing on it and it did hurt some but not to the extent that I had expected. The good news is they sent me off on my merry way and said I did not need to come back.
However, I was only supposed to bite down on gauze to stop the bleeding for about an hour and her I kept changing it and bit down on it for an hour and 45 min. Oops! No wonder my jaw is somewhat sore now. I did use a cold pack on it for 20 min. as soon as I got home to keep the swelling down. I Haven't noticed any yet so that's good. I watched old reruns of "I love Lucy" and "Who's The Boss" on TV Land with the pets. I didn't feel much like doing anything so took a nap with my dog. Manny visited us too. I finally decided to post this around 4:30. Oh, and I forgot my vitamins so guess I'll take them now.
I was told do drink water, stay away from anything hot and stick with cold things to eat and avoid things that could get stuck in my teeth. I had yogurt and ice cream for lunch. No rinsing today but tomorrow I am supposed to rinse every 2-3 hours with salt water according to my instructions. Now I don't know if I should take off tomorrow from work too or not. I also have to chew on the other side for a day or two.
In a couple days, he said I won't even notice I had a tooth taken out. I sure hope he's right about that!
Related post is just before this one: I'm Afraid--Dentist Is Going To Hurt Me!
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However, I was only supposed to bite down on gauze to stop the bleeding for about an hour and her I kept changing it and bit down on it for an hour and 45 min. Oops! No wonder my jaw is somewhat sore now. I did use a cold pack on it for 20 min. as soon as I got home to keep the swelling down. I Haven't noticed any yet so that's good. I watched old reruns of "I love Lucy" and "Who's The Boss" on TV Land with the pets. I didn't feel much like doing anything so took a nap with my dog. Manny visited us too. I finally decided to post this around 4:30. Oh, and I forgot my vitamins so guess I'll take them now.
I was told do drink water, stay away from anything hot and stick with cold things to eat and avoid things that could get stuck in my teeth. I had yogurt and ice cream for lunch. No rinsing today but tomorrow I am supposed to rinse every 2-3 hours with salt water according to my instructions. Now I don't know if I should take off tomorrow from work too or not. I also have to chew on the other side for a day or two.
In a couple days, he said I won't even notice I had a tooth taken out. I sure hope he's right about that!
Related post is just before this one: I'm Afraid--Dentist Is Going To Hurt Me!
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I'm Afraid--The Dentist Is Going To Hurt Me!
Several months ago while eating breakfast, my upper back tooth broke off. It just hurt a little bit for a couple days and then it did not bother me at all. Naturally, being the procrastinator I am when it comes to dentist visits, I just went on about my business. Last week though, it started hurting several days in a row--all week, so I mustered up my courage and made a dentist appointment. I figured it wasn't going to hurt any less if I keep ignoring it so I better get it fixed. Last Saturday, I actually went! We have one just one street over so Gerard and Abby walked me up there.
The assistant took an x-ray of all my teeth. At first, she tried using a little camera inside my mouth that was too big and made me gag. I have a little mouth and dentists always complain about it, the few times I have gone. I have not been to the dentist in over 15 years. The last time was for a root canal. Can you blame me for not wanting to return after that?
Dr. Judy confirmed my suspicion that the tooth should come out. It's my last wisdom tooth. After all that, she said she was going to refer me to an oral surgeon because he has the right tools to get it out easily. She gave me three choices--naturally I picked the closest one to home. I left disappointed because I thought I would get it taken care of on the weekend. Now I had to make another appointment and muster up my courage all over again. I called as soon as I got home, but the office was closed and the answering service told me to call on Monday. I did and since they had a cancellation, was able to get an appointment for this morning.
These are the verses that came to mind today:
Hopefully, I will update this post with some happy results later today, or maybe tomorrow depending how I'm feeling.
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Dr. Judy confirmed my suspicion that the tooth should come out. It's my last wisdom tooth. After all that, she said she was going to refer me to an oral surgeon because he has the right tools to get it out easily. She gave me three choices--naturally I picked the closest one to home. I left disappointed because I thought I would get it taken care of on the weekend. Now I had to make another appointment and muster up my courage all over again. I called as soon as I got home, but the office was closed and the answering service told me to call on Monday. I did and since they had a cancellation, was able to get an appointment for this morning.
These are the verses that came to mind today:
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. --Joshua 1:8
He is with me too! ...for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee, So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
--Hebrews 13:5b-6
Hopefully, I will update this post with some happy results later today, or maybe tomorrow depending how I'm feeling.
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Monday, August 23, 2010
Why Wear Neckties?
Here is a picture of Gerard on Sunday morning before we leave for church. He wanted me to take a picture of him to post just to show our readers that he does wear ties and dresses nice sometimes too. Actually, he has a whole lot of ties, and we don't even have children that give them to him as gifts every holiday. He has a nice variety of ties, most of which I bought for him. The only purpose for neckties is to say "I'm dressed up." They also show you are looking professional or businesslike. It's no wonder men like "casual Fridays" when they do not have to wear neckties.
For someone who wears suits every day, they are a way to at least show some of your personality or interests. The only time Gerard will wear a tie is on Sundays to church or to a funeral or wedding. Since he works at a warehouse, one of the benefits is he can wear jeans, shorts and t-shirts. That's the best thing about his job!
What does your tie collection look like? Do you wear ties often?
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For someone who wears suits every day, they are a way to at least show some of your personality or interests. The only time Gerard will wear a tie is on Sundays to church or to a funeral or wedding. Since he works at a warehouse, one of the benefits is he can wear jeans, shorts and t-shirts. That's the best thing about his job!
What does your tie collection look like? Do you wear ties often?
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Friday, August 20, 2010
6 Things I Learned This Week-#83 (books, people, CommentLuv, Twitter, Bible)
Online Book Club
Over at Book Beginnings and Bookends, they are just starting a "book club" for bloggers to participate in online. I thought this sounded like it might be fun so went ahead and decided to give it a try. The first book they'll be discussing on Mondays is The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes. I'm enjoying it! Here's a link to my thoughts on the first 10 chapters.CommentLuv for Blogger
At Basic Blog Tips there is a post with video on an easy way How To Install CommentLuv on Blogger. It involves replacing Blogger's default commenting system with intense debate system. If I ever get some extra free time, I think I'm going to try it and see if I can get it to work on my test blog. Before I go to all the trouble though, I'd really like to hear from my readers if it matters to you or not.Josh Cribbs
Josh Cribbs, my favorite Browns player, reads the Bible and his motto is "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."--Philippians 2:13Debbie Macomber
I was surprised to learn that author Debbie Macomber also taught Sunday School and is familiar with AWANA--a club whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. I too was involved in AWANA for about 7 or 8 years I think and loved it!Gideon
Did you know what happened AFTER Gideon defeated the Midianites by obeying God? The Israelites wanted him to be king followed by his sons but Gideon declined. He got the gold earings though from the dead Midianites and built a statue which Israel began to worship and eventually they went back to worshiping Baal. After Gideon died, the Israelites were unkind to his family! Read about this in Judges 8. I just read this today. (Never realized all this before.)More Friday Fragments at Half-Past Kissin' Time.
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Thursday, August 19, 2010
Are you a bigger sports fan than Gerard?
When I saw this car at Giant Eagle while grocery shopping, it got me thinking about sports fans. Obviously, the owner was a Big Ohio State Buckeye fan. I thought this car looked so cool (Gerard and I being Buckeye fans too) that I went home for my camera to get a picture of it, hoping I would make it back in time.
What makes a fan? I gave this question some thought and came to the conclusion that it is much more than someone who attends sporting events. That certainly is part of it; however, I made a list of other things that indicate a huge sports fan lives in our house, and that would be Gerard. I thought I was a sports fan until I met him and discovered what a real fan is. Take this little quiz to see if you (or your husband) is a bigger sports fan than Gerard by scoring one point for each answer you beat him on.
1. How many sport books do you own?
Gerard has 28!
2. Do you get sport books from the library?
Gerard does about two a month.
3. How many sports do you watch or read about?
Gerard has six.
4. How many days a week do you watch sports events on TV? Six
5. Do you let losses by your favorite teams ruin your mood the rest of the day?
Oh yes, Gerard does—absolutely.
6. How many DVDs or VHS tapes do you have that are sports related?
Gerard has 20!
7. How many sports related decorations (blankets, pictures, stuffed animals, coasters, towels, etc.) do you have in your living room? Throughout your home?
Two in our living room, 46 throughout our house
8. How many days a week do you wear your sports apparel?
Gerard wears something sports related every day.
9. How many different sources (count each website separately) do you get sports news from? Nine
10. When you watch a game (live or on TV), do you actually pay attention and yell loudly?
Yes, Gerard does—I have to get this on video one day!
11. How many outside sports decorations do you have in your yard or on your house?
We only have one.
12. Do you have a car with your team logo on it as in picture above? If you do, you win!
No, not yet.
If you scored 7 points, then you (or your husband) are a bigger fan than Gerard. I only scored point—when the Browns lose it does affect my mood the rest of the day.
If you would like more detailed answers on any of the above, leave a comment and I'll be happy to do a post just relating to that particular question giving more detail.
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What makes a fan? I gave this question some thought and came to the conclusion that it is much more than someone who attends sporting events. That certainly is part of it; however, I made a list of other things that indicate a huge sports fan lives in our house, and that would be Gerard. I thought I was a sports fan until I met him and discovered what a real fan is. Take this little quiz to see if you (or your husband) is a bigger sports fan than Gerard by scoring one point for each answer you beat him on.
1. How many sport books do you own?
Gerard has 28!
2. Do you get sport books from the library?
Gerard does about two a month.
3. How many sports do you watch or read about?
Gerard has six.
4. How many days a week do you watch sports events on TV? Six
5. Do you let losses by your favorite teams ruin your mood the rest of the day?
Oh yes, Gerard does—absolutely.
6. How many DVDs or VHS tapes do you have that are sports related?
Gerard has 20!
7. How many sports related decorations (blankets, pictures, stuffed animals, coasters, towels, etc.) do you have in your living room? Throughout your home?
Two in our living room, 46 throughout our house
8. How many days a week do you wear your sports apparel?
Gerard wears something sports related every day.
9. How many different sources (count each website separately) do you get sports news from? Nine
10. When you watch a game (live or on TV), do you actually pay attention and yell loudly?
Yes, Gerard does—I have to get this on video one day!
11. How many outside sports decorations do you have in your yard or on your house?
We only have one.
12. Do you have a car with your team logo on it as in picture above? If you do, you win!
No, not yet.
If you scored 7 points, then you (or your husband) are a bigger fan than Gerard. I only scored point—when the Browns lose it does affect my mood the rest of the day.
If you would like more detailed answers on any of the above, leave a comment and I'll be happy to do a post just relating to that particular question giving more detail.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
7 Tips For Developing The Habit of A Quiet Time With God Each Day
We say, God is important. Yes, I believe in God! Yes, I'm a Christian! Yes, I love the Lord! Yet, do our actions back that up? I say all those things; however, when I compare the amount of time I spend talking to God or letting Him speak to me through His Word versus the amount of time I spend talking to people or doing other things, it seems God gets very little time. Let's not let busyness of life crowd Him out of our daily lives.
Daily devotions has been on my heart lately because this summer I’ve been trying to get my Sunday School class of 5th grade boys to begin taking some responsibility for their spiritual growth by spending some one-on-one time with God through the week by reading the Bible and praying. It has kick started my quiet times as a result and so I thought I’d share some things I’ve learned that helped me get back into that habit instead of just reading a verse here or there through the day.
1. Pick a quiet place with few distractions. Gerard uses the basement, his “man cave.” I like the upstairs den, away from the computer. My cats join me, but I can pet them and pray or read my Bible at the same time, so I do not consider them a distraction.
2. Choose a specific time each day and look on it as your appointment time with God. Yes, I know we can pray anytime, but this is our special one-on-one standard appointment time. Ideally, it should be the same time every day (even on weekends) or at least following the same routine. For example, I have found that since I clean the litter boxes upstairs every day (even on weekends), I will spend some quiet one-on-one time with God in the den when I’m on the litter box run.
I recommend meeting with God to start your day. Choose a time right before or after a task you already do such as getting dressed, eating breakfast, exercising, or feeding the pets. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. If for some reason, I’m running late in the morning, I still have the evening run left to catch up. Look on it as a regular appointment—you wouldn’t skip other appointments with people that you have on your calendar.
Daily devotions has been on my heart lately because this summer I’ve been trying to get my Sunday School class of 5th grade boys to begin taking some responsibility for their spiritual growth by spending some one-on-one time with God through the week by reading the Bible and praying. It has kick started my quiet times as a result and so I thought I’d share some things I’ve learned that helped me get back into that habit instead of just reading a verse here or there through the day.
1. Pick a quiet place with few distractions. Gerard uses the basement, his “man cave.” I like the upstairs den, away from the computer. My cats join me, but I can pet them and pray or read my Bible at the same time, so I do not consider them a distraction.
2. Choose a specific time each day and look on it as your appointment time with God. Yes, I know we can pray anytime, but this is our special one-on-one standard appointment time. Ideally, it should be the same time every day (even on weekends) or at least following the same routine. For example, I have found that since I clean the litter boxes upstairs every day (even on weekends), I will spend some quiet one-on-one time with God in the den when I’m on the litter box run.
I recommend meeting with God to start your day. Choose a time right before or after a task you already do such as getting dressed, eating breakfast, exercising, or feeding the pets. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. If for some reason, I’m running late in the morning, I still have the evening run left to catch up. Look on it as a regular appointment—you wouldn’t skip other appointments with people that you have on your calendar.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Don't Mind Your Own Business!
Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.--Philippians 2:4
I really think God is working in my life to get me to be more other focused. In the last two weeks, I've read two books that address this issue: Season of Life--A Football Star, A Boy, A Journey to Manhood by Jeffrey Marx and One Simple Act by Debbie Macomber.
I just wanted to share here some of the things that really popped out at me from both these books.
From Season of Life, Joe became a minister and a high school football coach whose program included “building men for others.”
He came to the realization that masculinity is all about relationships, being focused on others, and a code of conduct that includes accepting responsibility, leading courageously, enacting justice on behalf of others and empathy. These are lessons I want to teach my 5th grade boys Sunday School class as well.
I really need to teach my Sunday School class of 5 grade boys to be more other focused.
Here are just some quotes I especially liked from One Simple Act:
Nothing says "you matter to me" more than the act of investing time with the people we care about.
God is the master of time. When we ask his wisdom on where to invest our time, we are certain to invest well.
Practicing an attitude of gratitude spills over to acts of generosity.
Use money, love people--not the other way around.--Rick Warren
If we hold our resources with an open hand, there's no telling what God can do.
Cultivating the habit of good deeds will not only affect those around us, it will improve our own emotional well-being.
Encouragement focuses on the action and heart behind it. Praise focuses on the product or performance.
8 Things One Simple Act has inspired me to do
:Believe the best about people
Be a little kinder.
Do a good deed every day.
Be extravagantly generous because of all God has done for me.
Forgive generously.
Empathize and teach empathy.
Pray God works generosity and kindness into my life.
Listen generously. When someone asks a question, answer it and ask it back because that's what they want to talk about.
What kind of generosity will you show to others today? Please see my complete reviews of these books by clicking on the links which will take you to our book blog, Grab A Book From Our Stack. These books have both made an impact on me. Have you read anything lately that has changed your life?
Stop by Saturday Samplings for highlighted posts from last week.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010
I Am Looking Forward To Football Season--Go Browns!
Once again Clevelanders get their hopes up after watching the Browns beat the Packers in the first pre-season game Saturday night. It was fun seeing our quarterback actually complete more passes than he missed. I was in shock when the Browns went all the way down the field and scored a touchdown rather than just a field goal on the opening drive, converting on 3rd down and 4th down. It was impressive! Then, they got the ball back right away when they were able to strip the ball from one of the Packers players (wearing those ugly green and yellow uniforms) and scored another touchdown. Woo hoo! Our new tackler, Ward (I can't think of what the proper name for his position is at the moment), but he did a great job going after those Packers. In a close, fun, back and forth game, the Browns pulled it out with two long field goals in under two minutes at the end. What an exciting finish! They really looked like they had it together and it was only the first pre-season game. I am excited now!
Watch out everyone, here come the Browns!
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Watch out everyone, here come the Browns!
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Friday, August 13, 2010
8 Things I Learned This Week-#82 (shopping, blogging, weight, dogs)
Team Peeta
At The Book Scoop I learned that there are shirts available related to the book, The Hunger Games at Zazzle (Team Peeta, Team Gale, Girl on Fire, District 12, etc.) See our review of the second book in this series, Catching Fire--the book it's awesome!Lassie
Do you know Lassie's real name? I didn't until I played the Freekibble trivia last Sunday. Lassie, the world's most popular Collie, was originally played by a male named Pal. (even has a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!) I hope you play every day!Amazing What People Wear
At "And Then There Was Me" I discovered how scary Walmart can be. The pictures of what people wear there totally cracked me up. If you want a good laugh, read "It's Scary At Walmart."Twitter Group
I just discovered that there is a #bookblogchat group on Twitter! Read all about it at Unputdownables.Nationwide Blogger Birthday Party
Through Twitter I learned about Blogger's Fiesta Meetup. This is to celebrate Blogger's 11th birthday party and gives us the opportunity to actually meet in person other bloggers in our area. So far, I'm the only one signed up in Cleveland. The meeting day (in Cleveland anyway) is Tuesday, August 31.Weight
Using the adult BMI and calorie calculator, we learned that we are both at a healthy weight and how many calories we should consume a day to maintain our weight.Husky Killed at Dog Park
We just found out about this very sad story from Jenna's Dogs Blog about an off-duty cop shooting a beautiful Husky named Bear Bear at an off-leash dog park in Maryland when the cop though Bear Bear was hurting his dog and might bite someone. The cop's dog was still on a leash. This settles it for us, no more dog park's for our Abby.Find More Friday Fragments.
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Long Drive Out Of My Comfort Zone (Writer's Workshop)
I am a homebody who does not like to travel so any long drive is out of my comfort zone. One of longest drives I ever took was four hours down to Cincinnati with a friend to go to King’s Island. I was so happy we didn’t get lost (this was before the GPS).
We had a great time and stayed over night at a nearby hotel where we even went in the pool. Swimming is something else I seldom do but we had the whole pool to ourselves so that was pretty nice. I don't like getting splashed. For a laugh and to get an idea of how much I do not like to swim, visit My Funny Dad, Harry post about an old photo of me in a photo tag challenge.
One of the best things that was most unusual for us was riding on an elephant! How many people get to do that? (I'm the one farthest back) A little girl neither of us knew rode up front.
I also like roller coasters and “The Beast” was really fun and long too! It was a wooden track, went very fast, lots of turns and hills and it lasted longer than 30 seconds.
I combined two of Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop prompts for this Post: A long drive... and Steppin' Out Of The Box (describe a time when you went way out of your comfort zone).
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We had a great time and stayed over night at a nearby hotel where we even went in the pool. Swimming is something else I seldom do but we had the whole pool to ourselves so that was pretty nice. I don't like getting splashed. For a laugh and to get an idea of how much I do not like to swim, visit My Funny Dad, Harry post about an old photo of me in a photo tag challenge.
One of the best things that was most unusual for us was riding on an elephant! How many people get to do that? (I'm the one farthest back) A little girl neither of us knew rode up front.
I also like roller coasters and “The Beast” was really fun and long too! It was a wooden track, went very fast, lots of turns and hills and it lasted longer than 30 seconds.
I combined two of Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop prompts for this Post: A long drive... and Steppin' Out Of The Box (describe a time when you went way out of your comfort zone).
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Why Is Abby So Excited?
We love to see our dog, Abby, happy and one of the best ways to get her excited is for both of us to take her outside. If I'm along, she automatically things we'll be riding in the van to go somewhere, most likely the park. She can't get to the van fast enough! Watch this short video to see for yourself.
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Monday, August 9, 2010
We Drove To The Cleveland Browns Scrimmage Saturday!
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Ben Wilson scores a TD for the Brown Team! |
(Above Photo from Twitpic)
Well, last Saturday instead of going to BlogHer, Gerard and I debated whether to take the bus down to the Browns stadium for the FREE Family Day scrimmage game or break out of our comfort zone and drive downtown. I really don't like to drive in downtown Cleveland because of all the one-way streets, some lanes are only for buses and lots of no left turns. Gerard, however, hates the bus and it only runs every hour on Saturday. Plus, we would have had about a 15-20 minute walk from the bus stop and who knows how long we would have to wait for it. When we got back from the park, I checked the bus schedule and we just missed one. That convinced us to drive.
Then we had to decide if we wanted to use the GPS and park right at the stadium or just park at my work parking lot and walk. It would be a far walk from there so I figured as long as we were driving, we might as well park at the stadium--it only cost $5.00. I do not like to drive on the highways because the speed and all the traffic makes me nervous when I'm not sure about what lane I need to be in so was glad when Gerard said he would drive. I set up the GPS and off we went. I still got nervous but asked Gerard to slow down some and he did. Our GPS directed us and we got there safely in plenty of time. We even got a great parking spot that was easy to get out of without even having to back up! Coming home though, we went the scenic route like my bus goes so didn't need the GPS on the way home.
At first we walked around outside where they had game stuff set up for the kids but we got there too late for the free food. Here's a picture of me at the photo shoot in a Browns uniform! I had my sunglasses on because although the temperature was in the upper 70s, it was a very bright sunny day! Then we looked for some seats near the 50-yard line.
We could sit anywhere we wanted in the whole stadium! It was awesome! We found great seats in the second highest section from the field at the 40-yard line. Unfortunately, all the seats under the overhang in the shade were taken but we found some in the row right in front of the first row of shade. I figured as the sun moved, we would eventually get in the shade. It was HOT! I had to get water even if it did cost $4.00 which Gerard got for me. The temperature was only in the upper 70s, but we were sweating just sitting there. Even the kids were sweating! A kid behind us (yes, in the row with some shade) even said his shirt was all wet!
At half time, we walked over to the other side and went upstairs where there were fewer people by the club seats and found seats in the shade in the last row at the 50-yard line. It was way more comfortable in those shady seats! Too bad we didn't find those sooner.
Gerard's report on how the team looks:
He said the offense has a long way to go. We were expecting more excitement with more long passes than what we saw. After all, it's not a real game. I thought they would be more daring since there wasn't anything to lose. They made quite a few penalties too. I asked him if he had anything good to say about them and he said the defense looked good. I think the offense is actually better though too because they weren't tackling.
We left at the beginning of the 4th quarter and did not stay for pictures and autographs of the players afterward because we wanted to get out quick and avoid the traffic jam, which we did! Yea!!! Abby was glad to see us get home in time for her supper.
How is your football team shaping up? What fun thing did you do over the weekend?
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Saturday, August 7, 2010
A Pet Blog Hop--Interview Your Pet!
Our dog, Abby Dabby Doo, was in the Sun Post newspaper last Thursday as the featured “Picture Perfect Pet.” She would love for you to read her post about it: “Woo Hoo, I’m A Picture Perfect Pet!” I thought this would make a good blog hop for those bloggers who have great pets like ours.
Just interview your pet and post it using a picture of your wonderful pet with a link back here and come back to link up or just leave a comment.
Pet’s Name
Dines on:
Favorite treat:
Favorite pastime:
Best trick:
Shared trait with owner:
Praise from the owner:
If you could change one thing about your pet:
Spunky Doodle
Age 6
Breed/Type: Tuxedo
Dines on: Science Diet – Sensitive Stomach, Greenies—beef
Favorite treat: Tuna Flakes
Occupation: Being cute, loveable, entertaining and modeling for the header at "Grab A Book From Our Stack"
Favorite pastime: Napping in the sun.
Best trick: Hiding where they can’t find me.
Shared trait with owner: Playful and funny
Praise from the owner: Spunky Doodle is our Black Beauty. She’s a charmer, entertainer and just a great cat! She’s so cute! I’m SO glad I brought her into our home!
If you could change one thing about your pet: That she would curl up on my lap instead of running from me when I’m awake.
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Just interview your pet and post it using a picture of your wonderful pet with a link back here and come back to link up or just leave a comment.
Pet’s Name
Dines on:
Favorite treat:
Favorite pastime:
Best trick:
Shared trait with owner:
Praise from the owner:
If you could change one thing about your pet:
Spunky Doodle
Age 6
Breed/Type: Tuxedo
Dines on: Science Diet – Sensitive Stomach, Greenies—beef
Favorite treat: Tuna Flakes
Occupation: Being cute, loveable, entertaining and modeling for the header at "Grab A Book From Our Stack"
Favorite pastime: Napping in the sun.
Best trick: Hiding where they can’t find me.
Shared trait with owner: Playful and funny
Praise from the owner: Spunky Doodle is our Black Beauty. She’s a charmer, entertainer and just a great cat! She’s so cute! I’m SO glad I brought her into our home!
If you could change one thing about your pet: That she would curl up on my lap instead of running from me when I’m awake.
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Friday, August 6, 2010
5 Things We Learned This Week-#81 (shopping, nutrition, words, twins)
Gerard just discovered the Animal Rescue Site button on our left sidebar and clicked on it and was pleased to discover a store that if he purchased something, it helps out some animals! He bought a shirt. Why not click on it and check it out when you leave our blog.Cereal Nutrition
In Sunday's PLAIN DEALER article, Truth in cereal ads is just a sweet dream by Connie Schultz, Gerard found a cool site that ranks cereal by nutritional value and guess what--the kind we eat was all low on the list! Shredded Wheat was ranked as most nutritional and Multi-Grain Cheerios that was recommended by Jillian, the trainer on "The Biggest Loser" show scored only 50. At least we don't eat any of the bottom 10. Check out Yale University's nutrition ratings at Related post: How Nutritious Is The Cereal Your Family Eats?
Cleveland Indians
The Cleveland Indians is the only Major League Baseball team to trade their opening day pitchers three years in a row! At least they beat the Red Sox!What's a Kerfuffle?
When visiting Heather's Blog-o-rama, I learned that a "kerfuffle" is a loud disorderly disturbance or tumult. I guess I could we have a kerfuffle going on here whenever a dog walks by our house. Abby barks and the cats both take off running. Have you heard this word before?Twin Telepathy
When reading Two Little Girls In Blue by Mary Higgins Clark, I discovered there really is such a thing as twin telepathy. Twins can sense things that are happening to their twin and in this book, could even communicate with each other although separated. It was a great book. You can see my review of it if you click the link.Find more Friday Fragments.
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