He discovered some children's books are fun to read and ordered two of those even. I liked City Dog, Country Frog by Mo Willems and friendship but did not like Say Hello by Rachel Isadora. It just showed how to say "hello" in different languages by have a girl and her dog go through her neighborhood saying "hello" to people of different nationalities.
One of the books that had a long waiting list was House Rules by Jodi Picoult which finally came in. I plan to read that one too.
Do you read through the summer? Have you ever participated in a summer reading program? What are you reading now>
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I often order library books online and they often all come at once! :S
One good children's book is "Martha Speaks." It's hilarious. I like children's classics, like Robinson Crusoe, C.S. Lewis books, and stuff like Stuart Little. All very well written.
I read all the time. I'm a member of the Literary Guild so that's where I get my books. I love to go to the boat and just read and read and read. Some weekends I've read 2-3 books.
Have a terrific day. :)
That's a lot of books! We put holds on books online too and if they are new books (meaning just a two week check out as opposed to a four week check out for older books) it never fails they come in at the same time. We have 7 days to pick them up once notified they are in so we don't have to check them all out at the same time which helps.
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