Do be considerate of others. Don’t be a bully!
Do be neat and orderly. Don’t be a litterbug!
Do be cautious. Don’t be reckless!
Do be helpful. Don’t be mean and evil (like that “Mean Girls” movie).
Do be prompt. Don’t be late and make everyone wait!
Do be smiley. Don’t be sad!
Do be happy. Don’t be grumpy or mad.
Do be a good worker. Don’t be a slacker!
Do be a nice commenter or lurker (those who visit without commenting). Don’t be a spammer!
Do be a bit silly. Don’t be a sour puss!
Do be sure to read Our Worst Winter Storm Story at Zemeks’ Updates also as part of Mama Kat’s Workshop this week. Don’t be lazy, please click on that link and visit our other blog too!
Go to Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop for more or to participate like I did. This is in response to the make a list of dos and don’ts prompt.
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very nice i like this
It's like a Golden Rule list.
Darn it! I already broke the slacker rule just by being on this site during work hours. Haha oops.
You always have nice posts Karen : )
I'm a slacker too since I'm here during work hours too! Oops!
"Don't be mean and evil."
Hahaha I love it! So true!
Simple statements to live by. Love them all.
Hallie :)
This is such a great post. I know people I am going to be sharing this with.
I am a sucker for inspirational stuff. I love anything the reminds me of the good things in life that I should be thinking about and focusing on.
fly swatter and don't miss. otherwise.. you can drown them by spraying with water or smoke.
Oh, reminded me of the old days of Romper Room but some things stay eternal :-)
Red Neck Diva
Life With Kaishon
Wonderful World of Weiners
Elle Wood
Kailua Ocean
The Muse: I'm surprised anyone would think much of this post, it's so simple. I am always surprised at what I get the most comments on. I almost didn't even write this one!
Marfmom: Glad you liked this one--it's very important!
Baby Names: I don't even have a fly swatter anymore, but can usually squish them in a napkin. Yes, I am quick!
Mountain Woman: I used to love that show! My mom used to like it too because she taught preschoolers in Sunday School and would pick up ideas for teaching methods from her. I wondered if anyone would pick up on this. Remember the magic mirror? If I can ever get my Flip camera to load again on my computer, I'm going to demonstrate it.
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