He liked it at first, but then after a few days, a couple of his teeth started really hurting. He drank a ton of water and that seemed to help for a time. No way did he want to go to the dentist. He started leaving the vibrating off and used it just like a normal brush and guess what. No more pain! Yea! He learned that it's best to go manual. He brushes twice a day, morning and night.
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I've used vibrating toothbrushes before but quite frankly, nothing beats manual brushing. :)
Oh, that's so funny. I never know a vibrating toothbrush could cause pain. Maybe it's too harsh at the gum line? BTW, this has nothing to do with the brush, but just wanted to say that my dentist says you only need a very tiny amount of tooth paste to do a good job. It's not the paste that cleans, it's the brushing action.
Junk Drawer Kathy: Wow, thanks for that insightful tip! I heard or read somewhere that it's good to brush first with the brush dry without anything on it, then do it with a little toothpaste like you said.
I have a normal Oral B (the kind you plug in) and you are supposed to do each quadrant for about 20 seconds...if your husband's teeth hurt from the brush (which it shouldn't) he may want to go to the dentist and get that checked, could be the gums)
Interesting story. I thought at first that you were going to say that the toothbrush didn't remove plaque and that's why his teeth hurt. I prefer manual and have never used anything else. TV commercials- bah!
You just have to be careful when you use them. I have one, but I don't use it nearly enough. I too use the manual method. Glad Gerard is okay.
Have a terrific day. :)
We have the plug in Oral B brushes and like them because they do all the work and we also brush for longer (2 minutes) than we would manually. It's weird that the new toothbrush made Gerard's teeth hurt but I'm glad they're better. He must not like to go to the dentist like you don't huh? I don't either but I'm too chicken not to go since when things go wrong, they go wrong bad and most can be prevented.
Well, I have never heard that complaint before. I have the plug in Oral B, which has enabled me to keep my teeth so far. That, and my friend,Flossy.
I'm glad he's okay now too. I hate when "health care in hazardous to your health."
My human uses those vibrating toothbrushes - she buys them with soft bristles. She actually manually brushes while they are vibrating. And they work for her - she has been having way better dentist visits since she started using them. Way less time scraping during the cleanings. She flosses every day too, but she has been doing that for years. Did I mention that her dentist really likes her? I guess the flossing thing gets you in good with them.
I like a plain old manual brush!
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