It's time to pack a shoe box to send to a child in a third world country through Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child!
We have done this for quite a few years. We went to WalMart today but I just wasn't in the mood to start buying things for my box today. I couldn't think of what to get for an older boy or girl that could fit in a shoebox. I'll have to go again when I'm in a better mood. I was bummed out because I couldn't find our AAA batteries we just bought this morning. Gerard put away the groceries and didn't see them. I know I put them in the small white bag with the AA batteries and a dog bone but couldn't find them anywhere. (Gerard found them under the bread pudding container on the counter when he went to eat. I felt better then.)
Then, I find out my prescription is covered by my insurance only if I get 31 pills instead of 90 at a time. How stupid is that? So I waited longer while they changed the number of my pills and reran it through. I don't get it. Anyway, these two things really put me into a bad mood. I think I'll watch some TV now and just relax a bit.

Bet a certain football game put you in a good mood and Gerard in a bad one! :) Right now there's another game on that is causing my husband to be in a very bad mood.
We adopt a family during Christmas time through local agencies. We are given the ages and sizes for the kids and purchase things on their wish list. We have everything we need so it's nice to give to others.
I don't understand why insurance won't pay for 90 days worth of pills either except maybe they want the co-pay each mother. It is very frustrating.
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