1. If you had the power to fix anything that's wrong with this world, what would it be.
I would remove selfishness from the world completely and replace it with empathy, compassion and a genuine desire to help all living things, thus wiping out poverty, greed, crime, unsportsmanlike behavior and domestic violence and abuse.2. What's your favorite indulgence?
Pizza! Please don't ask me to give up eating pizza.
3. Describe your perfect day.
Sunny, warm, doing something really fun with my husband, having free time to blog and be with my pets, eating well and getting everything done that I wanted to do.
4. If you could fly off tomorrow to any destination for a week, where would you go and why?
I would decline. I want to stay right here at home with my husband and my pets. I really would not want to leave them for a whole week to go anywhere that I would have to fly to! I think being separated from your family would be the hardest part of being in the military and am so glad I never had immediate family in the armed forces.Here's four more questions:
1) When do you feel like being alone?
2) If you could change one thing about your life right now to make it better, what would it be?
3) What is your favorite TV show now and what was one you liked way back when?
4) If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
And for the tagees, don't worry, I won't tag anyone who doesn't want to be tagged so I'll let anyone and everyone who wants to play along to do so. Hope someone does!
Please help us choose a new name for our blog by voting in our poll at the top left sidebar. Also, have a book giveaway you may want to enter at Grab A Book From Our Stack for "You Already Know How To Be Great" by Alan Fine. The drawing is Thanksgiving Day and there will be five winners!

Peetsa is definitely one of the best foods in the world!!!
Thanks for playing along and I enjoyed your answers! I agree with eliminating selfishness from the world - that would be wonderful! And pizza is a favorite indulgence of mine too!
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