Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Does This Sound Sick To You?

Does this sound appealing to you? We get a 20% discount from work, but it seems too gross to me. I think it's sick, what do you think? A lot of people went because originally they had planned to only have it open through the end of October but they are extending it to January 2, 2011.  Here is a close up of the basketball player pictured on the building:

BODIES...The Exhibition is a must-see during its limited engagement in Cleveland. This striking Exhibition showcases real human bodies, dissected and preserved through a revolutionary process allowing visitors to see themselves in a fascinating way like never before.

I am told it takes about an hour to go through this exhibition. My question is why weren't these "real human bodies" buried? Who does this kind of thing? I asked the guy selling tickets and he told me in China there is a law that any dead bodies not claimed had to be donated to science and that all the bodies on display in the exhibition are Chinese. Do these pictures look like Chinese people to you? I think this is just creepy. It would cost me $18 without the discount. I think I'll pass. Just looking at the pictures on the building grosses me out!

So would you want to go?

Tweet Me from Karen & Gerard


Joyce said...

We saw it in Philadelphia a couple of years ago. It was actually pretty interesting to see what our bodies are like on the inside. People donated their bodies for this...I think the creator is a German doctor.

Mountain Woman said...


I don't like the idea of it at all. It's one thing in medical school where doctors are learning but another to have an exhibit. Anyway, just me and perhaps I'm stuck in old fashioned ways but I would never go and never want to go. It also might have something to do with losing my husband.

Alice said...


I don't think I could look at it for too long.

Lin said...

I hear this is really cool to see, Karen. It shows all the muscles and ligaments and such. I think you have to get past that it was a person and see the incredible miracle that our bodies are. I would think that we should be grateful there are humans who donated their bodies for science, which I understood is where they got these.

BeadedTail said...

It's not my type of thing because I have a very weak stomach when it comes to anything medical but I know others who found it truly interesting to learn how our body works. I guess there's always something for everyone even if we don't understand it!

Karen said...

I can see how some would find it fascinating but I think I would be sick to my stomach looking at the bodies.

Rebecca said...

I would probably cry all the way through it: who were these people? how did they die? did they die without hope in Christ?

While this kind of stuff may be fascinating-- and it is in a scientific way, I guess-- a museum of bodies for entertainment purposes goes too far for me. I think our culture has become desensitized by the theory of evolution and violence. Human life is no longer utterly precious. It makes me sad.

Catherine said...

Well my son went to see it in Dublin last year and was initially impressed if a little freaked out by it - but then we read that many of the bodies were "donated" by the Chinese prison service so they weren't voluntarily donated at all. (See Joyce's comment above).
Pretty sick I think. Nothing excuses commercialising human remains for so-called art - and he is making a fortune in it.

Amy said...

I can't remember if it was here in Indpls or if it was nearby in Cincy, but I would probably pass, especially b/c I heard, too, that the volunteers may have not been so voluntary.

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