Can you believe it? So, what was your best bargain ever?
Here's a link to another related post about a bargain Gerard got: Who Says Men Can't Shop?

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When the cleric returned, they told him what had happened. He was furious; he felt they had humiliated him and betrayed Allah. He decided to kill them both. This man sealed them inside their concrete-walled house, locking the strong doors and windows and leaving them without food or water. He told the neighbors that he and his family were going away and would not return for two weeks. Because of the great distance between the homes, he knew their cries for help would never be heard.
Two weeks later he returned. He unlocked the door, expecting to be hit by the stench of death. Instead, he was greeted by his wife and daughter, both standing before him, with joy on their faces. He was incredulous, How could this be? They explained, “You meant to kill us, but Jesus saved us. Every day a hand has appeared giving us food and water. Sometimes it came through the door. Other times the hand appeared through a window. Sometimes it came down through the roof.”
The scholar scoffed and refused to believe. Suddenly, the hand appeared and offered him food and water as well. Severely shaken, he immediately went to a local Christian pastor in the community and told him what had happened. The pastor shared the gospel with him. He became convinced that Jesus was the true God, and he prayed to receive Christ.
A few weeks later, a JESUS film team arrived in that exact Maltos area. This time the government officials allowed the film to be shown. During the scene at Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River, when His face first appeared on the screen, the crowd erupted with shouts and exclamations. The team had no choice but to stop the film and learn what the commotion was about. “It’s the Man!” they shouted. “He is the One we saw walking in the clouds!”
As the film progressed, suddenly people began running in all directions. In the darkness, the team couldn’t figure out what was going on, but the commotion was caused by an out-of-control bus speeding straight toward the film site. The people looked aghast at the rapidly approaching headlights! Everything seemed hopeless. Apparently the driver was drunk and lost control of the bus. The film equipment, the team, and hundreds of men, women and children stood directly in its path.
How the large vehicle missed the crowd remains a mystery to this day. Workers said it was as though an unseen hand took control of the bus and moved it to the side, sparing the live of not only the audience, but also the driver. Ironically, the bus driver’s father was the man who allowed the use of this area to show the film.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. --Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)
They found that all the bridges had been either washed away or blown up during previous years of civil war, replaced with makeshift piles of sticks, twigs, and rocks. Even in four-wheel drive vehicles, crossing those bridges was risky and frightening. The passengers got out to help guide the loaded cars and vans as they inched their way over. At any moment, one of the vehicles could have lost its traction and tumbled off.