A JESUS film team in Nigeria received permission to show the JESUS film at Osupa. A huge crowd of more than 2,000 people came to watch the film from both sides of the road.
As the film progressed, suddenly people began running in all directions. In the darkness, the team couldn’t figure out what was going on, but the commotion was caused by an out-of-control bus speeding straight toward the film site. The people looked aghast at the rapidly approaching headlights! Everything seemed hopeless. Apparently the driver was drunk and lost control of the bus. The film equipment, the team, and hundreds of men, women and children stood directly in its path.
How the large vehicle missed the crowd remains a mystery to this day. Workers said it was as though an unseen hand took control of the bus and moved it to the side, sparing the live of not only the audience, but also the driver. Ironically, the bus driver’s father was the man who allowed the use of this area to show the film.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. --Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)
From The Power of Jesus used by permission from the Jesus Film Project®.
This reminds me of a time me and my friend were riding bikes in our driveway. My dad’s car was parked in the drive. I went down the drive between the house and the car at the same time my friend came up the drive between the house and the car. I was sure we were going to ram head on into each other and closed my eyes waiting for the crash, but it never came! Somehow we passed each other without hitting or either of us falling. It was a very narrow space and at that time, bikes were big and clunky.
Can you think of a time when the only explanation you didn’t get hurt or in an accident was God’s protection?
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