So, I take the 40 minute bus ride to the game and when I present my ticket, it's rejected because it has the wrong date on it for a game that was already played. I flip out! I think, wow, why would they give me the wrong tickets. I should have checked them first. I'm so embarrassed and angry so go back to the bus stop and get a bus home. I'm so angry. First thing I do when I get home is call the family to apologize and their son who didn't go answers and tells me they're in there and were wondering where I was. (This is before cell phones and by now it's about an hour and a half into the game.) Then I discover I do have the right ticket for that day's game after all in my other pocket. By then I figure it's too late to go.
It turns out I never threw away my ticket from the previous game that I went to and it was still in my pocket. I pulled that one out by mistake. I never thought to check for the right ticket in my other pockets. What an idiot! Then I'm really mad at myself and just scream, scaring my poor cats. I cried because I felt so stupid and my cats comforted me.
What I Learned: Throw away your old tickets once they've been used.
Related post: Dumbest Thing I Ever Did--How Dumb Are You (quiz)
Doh! What a shame you had to miss the game. But I'm glad that the family still went (it would have been way worse if they really were expired tickets!).
I loved the picture. I just read your cell phone post so maybe it's just a few things happening this week. Don't be sad.
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