1) Take pictures of them while they are alive. I enjoy seeing pictures of my pets. It stirs up happy memories for me and I like remembering them. It's important to put these pictures where you will see them. In fact, I chose a couple of the better pictures and had them blown up to poster size, framed them and hung them in my home. I did this while my pets were still alive (to show them how much I love them).
2) Take some video of them in action. Video is especially nice because it includes sound as well and when I watch a video of the first day we brought my first cat, Moe, home it's like reliving that fun day all over again.
3) Write about them. For me, the first thing I did after my cat died was to write a blog post about him. It helped me memorialize him and it was helpful to share my pain with others. There are actually websites dedicated to pet memorials. One I used that is free is: Memories of Our Pets. Here's a post I wrote about Moe: We Still Miss You Moe.

6) Maybe you couldn't save your pet, but you can make donations to shelters or sanctuaries that will save others. I was devastated when three of my dad's cats, Sweet Thing, Sylvester and Softie, outlived my dad and I couldn't take them in for various reasons and had to have them euthanized. They were so important to him and I knew this was a huge concern for him that his cats would be taken care of if he died before they did. I felt like I let him down but two had feline aids so couldn't be with other cats and the other all black one was sickly and had claws so I couldn't bring it into my home with my declawed cats. I couldn't save these cats but by making a monthly donation to Caroline's Kids Pet Rescue, I am able to help save others. This is a cat sanctuary that takes in all types of cats including feral, those with feline aids, and elderly cats, in a home without confining them to cages. It's too bad I didn't know about this place before putting down my cats because they would have taken them.
What things have helped you cope with the loss of a pet?
Inspiration for this post came from reading the post about Mufasa at Cat Tales.
We both thank you fur such a wonderfur post!
Those are some great ideas. When Pixie had to go to the Rainbow Bridge, we bought a real pretty urn for her ashes. And getting Harley from the shelter helped us feel better, too.
It's one of the most heartbreaking experiences to lose a beloved pet. Thanks Karen for all the great advice.
Those are really good ideas. I made a scrapbook page for them too.
Excellent advice Karen. Thanks for sharing such a hard thing to have to deal with. I'm not looking forward to it at all.
Have a terrific day. :)
Skitto & peanut--I'm glad you liked these suggestions.
Daisy--We are glad you got Harley too! Hope the medication helps you get back to normal quickly!
Mountain Woman--I know you have lots of pictures of your horses and dogs--great photo blog!
Mary--Thanks. A scrapbook page wouldn't be big enough for me, each pet would need its own book!
Sandee--No, it's certainly not something anyone looks forward to. It's just a part of life that we deal with when we have to the best we can.
Hi Karen and Gerrard, I found your blog through the 31dayBBB forum for Asking Questions, day 16. I wanted to commend you for combing so many of the 31day tasks into one very effective blog post. If you are OK with it, I want to link to your site as part of a future post I am planning with my blog. In addition, I see you have a right sidebar item called Find More Blogs and Promote yours. This is the first time I have seen strategy and it is very effective. I'm going to check that out too.
Gina: Welcome to our blog and thanks for commenting! I am fine with you linking to my site--feel free anytime. I consider it a high compliment. I really should go to BlogShowOff more often but just isn't enough time to do everything I'd like, especially since we just got a dog!
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