Just thought to make this post more interesting, I'd share with my readers the dumbest thing I ever did. I'd even venture to say I win the prize with this one. I got free club seat tickets for an Indians game from work and invited a family from my church bowling league to go too because my husband wasn't interested since they weren't playing the Red Sox that day. Anyhow, I gave the mother the three tickets at the bowling alley and I kept one for myself and said I'd just meet them there. I was really looking forward to this because club seats are absolutely the best! You get great seats for watching the game along the first base line AND all the free food you can eat!! YUM, YUM!
So, I take the 40 minute bus ride to the game and when I present my ticket, it's rejected because it has the wrong date on it for a game that was already played. I flip out! I think, wow, why would they give me the wrong tickets. I should have checked them first. I'm so embarrassed and angry so go back to the bus stop and get a bus home. I'm so angry. First thing I do when I get home is call the family to apologize and their son who didn't go answers and tells me they're in there and were wondering where I was. (This is before cell phones and by now it's about an hour and a half into the game.) Then I discover I do have the right ticket for that day's game after all in my other pocket. By then I figure it's too late to go.
It turns out I never threw away my ticket from the previous game that I went to and it was still in my pocket. I pulled that one out by mistake. I never thought to check for the right ticket in my other pockets. What an idiot! Then I'm really mad at myself and just scream, scaring my poor cats. I cried because I felt so stupid and my cats comforted me.
Now, am I right? Is that just the dumbest thing you ever heard of? Do I win the dummy prize? What's the dumbest thing you ever did? From now on, I ALWAYS throw away my tickets after I use them. Live and learn and don't make the same mistake twice.
This is a quiz of 20 questions which I did just for the fun of it. The questions are easy--not much thinking necessary. Just took longer than I expected. They email your results.
Dumb Test by QuizRocket.com!
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Happy Tabby Tuesday with MatCat Simon
1 hour ago
I got the exact same result ~ funny! Anyways I'd like to thank you for your kind words following the loss of our dear cat Forest recently ~ we truly value your support and send you many kind regards..
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