This is my favorite season of the year! Merry Christmas to all! I love the Christmas carols, the friendliness of people, the surprise gifts, the shopping and giving of gifts and the special services at church.
The last few years, I enjoyed choosing gifts for World Vision and Samaritan's Purse in honor of friends. I like spending money to help others and these two Christian organizations to a fantastic job of it!
For Sunday School this last Sunday of the year, I am planning a little party for my class of 5th and 6th graders. I love teaching this class because the kids are so nice! I am wrapping things from around my house that I think the kids would like and still need a couple more. Of course, some things are better than others, but after they all choose their wrapped gift, after they open them, they can try trading with someone if they want. I also have a pile of 2020 calendars to give away.
My husband and I buy gifts for each other. This year our BIG gift is blinds for our bedroom windows, but we have to wait until after Christmas for those because I waited to long to set up an appointment. I'll share about our gifts in another post.
I miss not visiting with family at Christmas and miss the excitement of children opening gifts. That's one reason I like to give gifts to my Sunday School classes. I truly do receive joy from giving. What do you love about Christmas? Merry Christmas to you!
For a post about our Nativity Set, see Nativity Project of 1982 With Help From Dad
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I hope you have a joyous and wonderful Christmas!
I'm with you--I like all the decorations, music, and spirit this time of year. It's fun to surprise family and friends with fun gifts too.
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