Second, I found a two new groups on Goodreads related to the Booktube community called Top 5 Wednesday and Tuesday Talks. Bloggers could also use these sources for inspiration for blog posts too or even just participate by leaving comments related to the topics.
Third, my Sunday School party was a lot of fun and when I offered the book I wrote in my dad's memory (My Funny Dad, Harry) to the kids, they all were eager to read it. The very next day, two of them mentioned they were reading it and what parts they were up to. The one kid shared a funny thing from it to his mom and she laughed too! I did not write this book to become an "author" or make money (which is a good thing because it's really hard to sell self-published books). I wrote it to share my wonderful dad with the world in the hope that people would enjoy the funny things he did as well and cherish the people in their lives. By sharing how God helped me through the difficult time after his death, I hope others will trust in Jesus as their Savior as well. It's such a blessing and comfort to know I will see him again one day.
Fourth, today we are donating some junk items to Parma Heights Christian Academy's garage sale so
it's always nice to get rid of clutter! If you are in the area, this is a huge garage sale but for only one day, this Saturday. Check it out and I'm sure you'll find some treasure you would like!
Fifth, we are getting new blinds for three windows today! The torn curtain will come down and the naked dining room window will finally get dressed!
What is bringing you joy today?
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