Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Leaves by Abby (Writer's Workshop)
It does not make me happy when my daddy leaves me. I always like to be with him but he has to go to work Monday through Friday. I am used to this and do not bark when he goes. When my mommy leaves for work too, then I just lay down and dream about when my daddy will return to take me for a nice long walk.
I am sure to give him a big welcome home greeting at the door when he comes home. We usually go to the park and I see the leaves beginning to change color. It is very pretty. Soon though, it will be too dark for us to walk in the park when he gets home from work so I am making the most of my park walks, sometimes even doubling back! I love to watch the high school teams playing tennis and it rained one day, we took cover inside the shelter at the park with a bunch of nice high school girls who were on a track team! I got lots of pets that day!
Hope you enjoy some beautiful leaves in your neighborhood and you are not separated from your loved ones too long. Woof! Woof!
This post was inspired by one of Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop prompts this week: Write a post inspired by the word "leaves." (We're actually doing two of the prompts this week so we'll have another one up tomorrow and then link up both.)
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Aw, that first photo is pitiful!
Nice post. :)
Waiting for mom and dad to come home is a big job, but you've been doing a great job of it Abby. I know your mom and dad love you bunches.
Have a woof woof day. My best to your humans. :)
Poor lonely Abby! But you are a champ at counting your blessings. Good for you!
what a sweet post Abby! You are such a good girl! I hope it stays light for you a while longer to that you can take walks with our Daddy after work
Abby, we're sure your daddy misses you too! The leaves are starting to change around here too and we like to watch them fall from the trees. Our mommy works from home so we aren't left alone too much.
Awww..the pup looks so sad in the first picture. I too love to look at the greenery at the park when we are there.
I'm a sucker for a furry face. Nice response to the "leaves" prompt.
I wrote about fire in my response to Mama Kat:
Cool idea to write from the perspective of your dog! Very creative:)
Thanks for all your kind comments. I know my daddy and mommy miss me through the day too--they are always telling me that and also that one day when they quit working, they'll be with me all through the day. Hope you all enjoy the fall weather as much as I do! Woof! Woof!
How fun to read that from your dog's perspective. It was hard leaving my dog at home, too, but he would ALWAYS bark! lol
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