Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Early Dementia For Retired NFL Players (Guest Post by Hubby)
I just read a very good article in the September 10, 2012 issue of Sports Illustrated: “The Other Half of the Story” by Melissa Segura. The article states that according to a 2009 University of Michigan study, retired professional football players may be five times more likely than other men their age to suffer from Dementia. Three wives of former NFL players who watched the men they loved slip away from them due to early on-set Dementia share their stories in the article. The players used to be very good, but the pounding they took affected them—one even killed himself!
I thought this article was very sad for the players and the wives and made me think. From now on, when I want to yell and get mad at the stupid plays and mistakes players make (and I do this very often, ask my wife), I will stop and think about how these men are paying a high price for my entertainment. Do you still really care about these guys after they stop playing for your team? I do, but I should care more!
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We care and we wish the NFL did more to help their former players with health issues. It's good there's more attention on what happens during those hard hits on the field so we hope safety improves too.
I read that may have been a contributing factor as to why Junior Seau took his own life... and he wanted to have his brain studied after his death.
That is very sad, indeed.
I'm very surprised you guys get Sports Illustrated! They have that terrible swimsuit edition that is so ungodly! Gerard, I hope you don't read that! i have a high opinion of you and would be devastated to learn that you read that junk!
I don/t know why Google logged me in as anonymous?!! Sorry for the confusion, I posted the previous comment as Rebecca at FreakyFrugalite, one of your adoring fans, lol.
Beaded Tail: It seems the NFL is making changes to increase the safety of the players somewhat at least. The coaches and trainers are to take concussions very seriously.
Daisy: I think I heard that too.
Rebecca: Thanks for clearing that up. I wondered who Gerard's adoring fan was. He actually does read the articles which are very good by the way and the photography is excellent in that magazine. He doesn't get the swimsuit issue-you can opt out of that and get a subscription extension instead. He has no interest in that. He's a good guy!
That's sad that doing something they love can be so dangerous to their health - I hope safety improves …..
Wags to all
Your pal Snoopy :)
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