Easter is so much more than colorful Easter eggs, bunnies and new clothes! It is the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, proving He truly is the Son of God and providing forgiveness to all who believe! He paid the price for our sins when He died on the cross and wants everyone to believe in Him to become a part of the family of God. It is such an honor and privilege to serve a risen Savior!
I think it's a shame though that some businesses do not consider Easter a holiday and make their employees come to work. Our vet is such a business that really surprised me. I was also a little disappointed when I went shopping at Giant Eagle for a lamb cake. (They had them other years.) There was not to be found, at least not at our Giant Eagle. All the had was bunny cakes! You'd think we were celebrating bunnies at Easter instead of Christ's resurrection. (Jesus is called the "Lamb of God" because he is the all-time, once for all sacrifice for sin that replaces the need for sacrificing perfect, male lambs. In the bakery I did see cupcakes arranged into a cross cake but I wasn't looking for that big a cake for just the two of us.
Anyhow, Christ Arose, praise God! Happy Easter to everyone! Hope all our readers enjoy a nice Easter service at some church today! I look forward to putting on two puppet presentations about Easter for children in grades 1-6 at Parma Heights Baptist Church.
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Sister Saturday with Sweetness Seal
15 hours ago
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Happy Easter to you both. Scritches to the babies. ☺
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