People & Their Pets
70% of people sign their pet's name on greeting and holiday cards. I learned this when playing my trivia game to feed cats and dogs. Gerard and I do this.
Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper made me aware

that even blind cats (Homer had no eyes at all) can function well and be great pets. Homer could jump 5 feet in the air and catch a fly! He could map his house and find his food, water and litter box with no trouble at all. Both Gerard and I read and enjoyed this book. Read our reviews at
What We've Just Read.
Boys Town
Boys Town is actually a real village with their own school system, fire department and police department. They also encourage visits and actually give tours of their village. This is one charity we support monthly.
Computer Tools--Downloads

I should really check out all those menus at the top of the screen some day. I just found out there's actually a folder for downloads that I never knew about before and when I'm in my document directory, if I click on the icon folders, it shows me a whole list of all my folders including some I didn't even know I had! I've had this computer now for 3 1/2 years now and I'm still finding new things!
5th Grade Boys
While teaching my Sunday School class of 5th grade boys I learned the expression "hunky dory" was entirely new to them and they thought it was very funny. I also learned when I had them to my home for a party, they liked shooting pool and could actually play well. I'm thinking maybe we could have a pool tournament.
Death Threats over Health Care Votes
I was shocked to learn from a post titled
Horrified by An Italian Mama Gone Crazy that congressman who voted for the Health Care bill are actually receiving death threats! Then I read about it in the paper too. What is America coming to? This is outrageous!
Sweet Life Cafe--Women's Retreat

There will be a women's retreat at Parma Heights Baptist Church where we are members for $20 on April 16 & 17. I liked the
Sweet Saturdays they had four times a year last year but they discontinued them because this year they're having this retreat instead. I don't think I want to spend most of my weekend away from Gerard--it's really the only time we have to do things together.
Parma Community Hospital

In the Cleveland PLAIN DEALER this week I saw that Parma Community Hospital is named among the top 20 best community hospitals. That's where I had my lumpectomy done and now where I go for my mammograms. They were very nice and took good care of me. My brother-in-law had a stroke and was in very bad shape when we went to visit him in the hospital, but he

recovered and is doing well. He even got his speech back. My grandma had a stroke and never did fully recover from it. I wrote a post about her on my other blog. Here's the link for you convenience:
"Loving Memories Of My Grandma Arlettaz." This is a picture of my grandma and me riding the train at the Cleveland zoo a way long time ago.
I just discovered this week that I can actually see where my blog visitors are coming from in the Bravenet stats. (Not that I spend much time looking at these.)
Half Past Kissin' Time for for more Friday Fragments.
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It's been an educational week! I like your fun facts - some I knew and some were new! Thanks!
The healthcare outrage has been pretty crazy!
Have a great weekend!
Have a good weekend, Karen!
Don't you love it when you find a folder with a bunch of stuff you didn't know you had? It is such a nice surprise!
I know folks are pretty passionate about their views on this whole healthcare thing, but that is crazy.
And I'm with you on leaving the family for a whole weekend. That is just too much time away. You would think they would be sensitive to that issue being a church retreat.
It was a learning packed week for you! I think the death threat thing is so crazy. A calm, rational discussion would get them so much farther.
Glad your brother-in-law is doing well!
Boys Town is a very good organization. I'm happy to hear that you help :)
Hunky Dory - I love it :) I can see how they would get a kick out of it.
Kristin - The Goat
Death threats over the healthcare bill? Wow, I had not heard about that. (We don't have tv anymore)That is really sad.
Hey! Happy Sharefest Day and you've got a lovely blog here!
I love this post! There are things for us to learn all around us but we usually don't even realize it!
I never cease to be amazed at how crazed people have become over the healthcare reform bill! As an American living in Canada, I just don't get why people are so rabidly against it.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! (a little late on Sunday)
Boys Town is amazing. Life changing for so many.
Not sure if you got my comment already; I had one all started when it up and disappeared!
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