Homer’s Odyssey by Gwen Cooper was better than I expected! It’s about her life with her three cats, Scarlet, Vashti and Homer, the eyeless kitten no one wanted with a big heart and love for exploring, playing and adventure. I found her tales of flying to New York with her cats, being separated from them for days when the terrorist attack happened 9/11, chasing off the burglar and how people who didn’t even particularly like cats warmed up to Homer particularly interesting. She shares how she learned from Homer to be brave and take risks, to live life as an adventure. Her great love for her cats shines through the whole book and as a cat lover, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and closely identified with her.
Gerard liked this one a lot too and here's what he had to say about it:
This is a must read! I loved Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper! It's just AWESOME! Gwen Cooper has two cats and that's it until she gets a call from a vet friend regarding a blind kitten that nobody wants. This book works in so many ways: funny, touching, loving. You will just love Homer and Gwen is fantastic! I felt the love she has for her cats (she reminded me a lot of my wife that way)! Please read this book, you will be so glad you did! The best part is that Homer does not die! Yea! Thanks for sharing, Gwen! Awesome job!!! If you go on www.gwencooper.com you can actually see Homer in action--way cool! (5+++ stars)
Gerard's Favorite:
The Help by Kathryn Stockett has been on the best sellers list for a long time so I just had to find out for myself if it was that good--it is! The writing is superb! This is a novel, but you would think that the characters were actually real. It is about the early 60s when white people in the south had black maids and a young girl decides to write a book from the maid's perspective.
I enjoyed this book very much! It went fast and I was into it from beginning to end. I'd love to see this book made into a movie--it would be outstanding! Read this one, you won't be disappointed! (5+++ stars)
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