If you like to read, you should really join www.shelfari.com. It is such a great web site for readers. Initially, it's time consuming to load the books you've read, but well worth it. It took me about 24 hours to load my initial 200+ books, including short summaries or reviews (that's optional) and setting up my profile page. The books are nicely displayed on a shelf, and you can put a widget on your my space profile or blog if you wish like I have done here. (You can see an example of the display at the bottom of my blog.)
Once you join, you can view the shelves of other members to see what they've read, how many books they have in common with you and what they are, add book reviews, participate on forum discussions about books as well as other topics. There are tons of discussion groups. You can add friends and drop notes or email them.
I don't know about you, but when I finish a good book like Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, or a baffling book like The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, I want to discuss it with others who've read it. On Shelfari, it's very easy to do because one discussion forum is called "Book Chat" where you can discuss any book you want! Or, you can click on the book on your shelf and then find out who else has read it and send them a note or email or friend request.
If there's a book you think you might like to read, you can also ask the Shelfari Members if they think you should read it or not and all those that have it on their shelf will get your inquiry and some will respond back to let you know what they thought of it.
Another nice feature is a special author page where you can discuss authors and find out more about them. I have about 25 books I plan to read now that were either discussed or recommended to me on Shelfari.
If you love to read, this site is for you! Check it out and let me know what you think. Then, send me a friend request. I'd love to be your Shelfari friend!
Halpata Tastanaki Preserve in the Van Camper
5 hours ago
I've seen the widget on other people's blogs. I never knew they had so many other options. I've officially placed joining on my to-do list.
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