Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Day 2 of Kids Summer Shake Up 2023 at Parma Heights Baptist

Opening Rally with kids sitting with leaders by grade

Every day starts with some singing with all the grades and their leaders in the pavilion.  They also review the verse of the week all together.  Our first activity today was the obstacle course which the kids loved!  It not only included different obstacles to do, but also a fun water balloon fight against another group.  If the kids didn't get wet enough with that, there was also a slip-n-slide they could enjoy.  Here are just few pictures of some of the obstacles:

hurdles, tunnel, hay bale climb

Water balloon fight

Taking jumps together

Bouncy Ball Ride

Slip-n-Slide Threesome

Most went 1 at a time on slip-n-slide

Heading to pavilion after
obstacle course for skit 
After the first activity, we all return to the pavilion for a skit that somehow relates to the lesson of the day and is usually pretty funny.  I really enjoy the skits.  They are made up by the skit crew and they do not follow a script.  They do a great job!  Today's was that the grandpa got all tangled up in his sheet when sleeping and sort of looked like Lazarus when Jesus raised him from the dead.  When groups move from place to place, the director leads with a flag raised that has the grade on it and each leader walks with their small group of kids holding up their group color flag.  Below are a couple pictures of the skit:

Following the skits each day, all grades split into their small groups for snacks and devotional time with their leaders.  This is when the small group leader gets to tell the Bible story, present the gospel, give kids a chance to ask questions and pray together.  They also give the children an opportunity to receive Jesus as their Savior if they would like to do that.  Below is a picture of a group having their devotions.  Today's verse was John 11:25-26 (ICB)--Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will have life even if he dies.  And he who lives and believes in me will never die.  Everyone is on the same schedule so all groups are quiet and having devotions all at the same time.

Pink Group having devotions

Sharing the gospel in small group time

Our second activity today was water games in the oval area right in front of the church.  Each leader was across from their team.  The kids had to run (through the sprayed water) to their team's bucket and throw in a water balloon.  The first team to get ten in won and everyone on the team got to throw a water balloon at their leader (if they were willing, or at one of the workers running the games).  Fortunately, we had warm weather!  Even one of the girls who was still soaked from the slip-n-slide and was cold, chose to play anyhow after sitting in the sun to dry out some.  Here are some pictures of our water relay:

Running through the water to reach her bucket

Team buckets with leaders

Getting her Leader with water balloon

We had a smooth day and the kids seemed to enjoy it a lot!  It's a fun week and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.  Many of the children even remembered to bring some money for the orphanage in Brazil!


Brian's Home Blog said...

It's was a perfect time to get wet and cool!

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