Sunday, July 23, 2023
Cornhole--Not My Game!
Although I am not good at Cornhole, I went ahead and signed up with Lucille in the Cornhole tournament at the church picnic Saturday because she wanted to play and needed a partner. At least it was something to do. I sort of knew her from the Sr. Center so knew she wasn't very good either. I was doing pretty good when we were practicing before the tournament started; but then I couldn't seem to even keep any on the board! Neither of us could even get one in the hole. I figured we wouldn't win, but didn't think we would get shut out 21-0 which is exactly what happened. We were the first team eliminated. Our game went very quickly! The food was delicious and I would have played volleyball but not enough wanted to play.
That game doesn't look overly exciting to me either!
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