Saturday, July 27, 2019
Dog Fashion Show by Parma Animal Shelter
Today we went to Honey Hut to use Gerard's gift certificate and then on to Veterans Memorial Park to see the Parma Animal Shelter's dog fashion show. It was fun seeing all the different dogs and they included their shelter dogs in the hope of getting some adopted. We saw several that we liked but the one we liked the most they couldn't tell us anything about because they just got him and he wasn't vetted yet. He is black and white (like our cat) and his name was Walker--I'm thinking because he must like to walk. He is the last one in the video. (There were even more dogs I would have taken pictures of, but unfortunately, my battery ran out. Boo.)
It was very hot in the sun though and I felt bad for the dogs who were dressed up. I seriously doubt if any of them wanted those clothes on. Some were really cute though and at least there was a nice breeze. I couldn't help thinking about our wonderful dog, Abby, and wishing she was with us. I know exactly what she would have done. First off, we would not have dressed her up other than maybe have a kerchief around her neck, but I know she would have sniffed out that big treat jar that was just sitting unguarded at the beginning of the runway. She was such a smart dog!
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Saturday, July 13, 2019
7 Things I Learned from Reading Marooned in the Arctic by Peggy Caravantes
Marooned in the Arctic is the true story of Ada Blackjack, the "Female Robinson Crusoe" who went on an expedition in 1921 to Wrangel Island with four men. Ada and a cat were the lone survivors of her expedition party for two years. I came across the following things I didn't know before reading it and thought I'd share them here:
(2) It gets as cold as -50 degrees F. Burr, I would never want to live there!
(3) The wildlife included polar bears, foxes, walruses, seals, ducks and snow geese.
(4) The thick fur of the Arctic fox changes color--white in the winter to blend in with the snow and brown or gray in the summer. (page 111)
(6) Scurvy is a nutritional deficiency caused by insufficient amounts of vitamin C. Symptoms include fatigue, irritability, pain in the legs, small red-blue spots on the skin, swollen gums that bleed or soften to the point that teeth loosen or fall out. Joints may bleed, causing severe pain. Shortness of breath is common after physical exertion. (page 81)
(7) Today, about 100 Eskimos live in a small village which serves as a base camp for an additional 30 seasonal reserve staff who work from field stations during all but the winter months. Wrangel island is one of Russia's most treasured wildlife sanctuaries. (page 174)
I'd like to see a Survivor show from a place like this for a change. I also wonder how the polar bears even survive in our zoos since even our winters are no where near 50 below zero.
Check out our review of Marooned in the Arctic at Grab a Book from Our Stack.
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Saturday, July 6, 2019
4 Things I Learned This Week (Email, Medical, Home, FB)
Another thing is that anyone 65 years or older should get a Pneumonia vaccine, a Tetanus vaccine every ten years, and now there is a vaccine for Shingles for anyone over 50. I can get these at the Walmart Pharmacy with no appointment! They said Medicare covers the Pneumonia one because it is so important and they want to encourage people to get it. Well, now that I know this, I need to get it done.
Oops, we've had a sump pump in our basement for years and just today I noticed that we were supposed to have a maintenance visit every year on it. I called to schedule one with Basement Systems this morning, but they are only open Monday - Friday. See what happens if I don't write things on my calendar?
Only 107 days until I retire!
Hope you learned something from this post! How about sharing something you learned this week in the comments--anything at all.
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